Procès (2) 19.07.17 - Juicio - Judgment
Procès (1) 17.02.13 : Verdicto
- Verdict
Analyse - Analysis
Military trial and
the search for truth by Naama
Asfari Abdi
Le jugement
militaire et la recherche de la vérité par Naama
Asfari Abdi
Lista de los presos
politicos saharauis en las carceles marroquies (actualisacion Febr. 2013) لئحة المعتقلين السياسيين الصحراويين بالسجون المغربية
List of Saharawi
political prisoners in Moroccan jails (update Febr. 2013)
Juicio Contra el Grupo del los 24 de Gdeim Izik (01.02.13) Asociación
Internacional de Juristas por El Sáhara Occidental
Gdeim Izik on SO / WS-blog
![]() | ![]() ![]() presos grupo Gdeim Izik | ![]() martires | ![]() ![]() hijos desaparecidos 2005 |
Canadian Lawyers Association for International Human Rights, CLAIHR |
Human Rights Watch | Human Rights Watch |
>> PRISONNIERS POLITIQUES SAHRAOUIS dans le territoire occupé et au Maroc (dossiers, rapports, témoignages)
>> PRESOS POLITICOS SAHARAUIS en el Territorio ocupado y en Marruecos (dossiers, informes, testimonios)
>> SAHARAWI POLITICAL PRISONNERS in the occupied Territory and in Morocco (dossiers, reports, testimonies)
Liste des
prisonniers politiques - List of
political prisoners - Lista de los presos politicos
for the 526 Saharawi Disappeared, Appeal of the BIRDHSO, October
2002-January 2003 Western Sahara: why
human rights are unseparable from
international legality, article from MEP M.
Kessler's office, published by the Institute of Human
of Potsdam University, Germany, 22.10.01 International Campaign
the release of Mohamed Daddach and 25 other Saharawi political
prisoners sentenced by the Moroccan Courts, september 2001 International Campaign
for the liberation of Mohamed Daddach 1997 Interview of a responsible of the Association of families of
disappeared and detained Saharawis, AFAPREDESA ( 29.8.95) Manifestations in El Ayoun (11.5.95) TESTIMONIES EL KARAMA online publication ACTIONS UN COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS - COUNCIL of HUMAN RIGHTS Resolution
on Western Sahara: E/CN.4/RES/2002/L6, adopted 12 April 2002 58th session of the UN
Human Rights Commission, Geneva,19.03-26.04.02 Resolution
on Western Sahara: E/CN.4/RES/2001/1 , adopted 5 April 2001 Resolution
on Western Sahara: E/CN.4/RES/2000/2 , adopted 7 April 2000 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Amnesty International
library of documents on Morocco/Western Sahara AI
2001: Morocco and Western Sahara - Rapport
annuel 2001, en français AI Report 2000: Morocco and Western
sahara AI
1999: Morocco and Western Sahara Open Letter to His Majesty King Mohamed VI of Morocco (MDE
29/39/99, 4 August 1999) Morocco/Western Sahara. Addendum to "Turning the Page":
Achievements and Obstacles (MDE
29/05/99, 4 August 1999) Morocco /
Western Sahara "Turning the Page": Achievements and Obstacles (MDE 29/01/99, June 1999) Compensation
and Amnesty Are Positive Steps But Concerns Remain (MDE 29/02/99, news release 12 April
1999) Morocco:
Visit of Amnesty International's Secretary General to Morocco: Time to
Act, Amnesty International - News Release - MDE 29/06/98 8 June 1998. Amnesty International's
Concerns in Morocco/Western Sahara, Amnesty
International London, June 3, 1998, distributed via Africa
News Service, 4.6.98. Amnesty International
high-level visit to Morocco 31 May-8 June 1998 ( Media Advisory ) AI Report 1998: Morocco and Western
Sahara AI Report 1997: Morocco and Western
Sahara Morocco /
Western Sahara: Human Rights violations in Westrern Sahara, Amnesty
International 18.04.96 (AI Index: MDE 29/04/96) Morocco/Western
Sahara: Kelthoum Ahmed Labid EL-LOUANAT, Prisoner of Conscience,
Amnesty International, March 1996 (AI Index: MDE 29/03/96), 4 p. Morocco: The pattern of
political emprisonment must end, May 1994 Amnesty International
concerned at reports of torture and deaths in custody in Morocco, november 1994 U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT HUMAN RIGHTS COUNTRY REPORTS Western
Sahara, Country
Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Morocco,
Country Reports
on Human Rights Practices for 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Western Sahara, Country
Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2003 Western Sahara, Country
Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2002 Western Sahara, Country
Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2001 Western Sahara Country
Report on Human Rights Practices for 2000 Western Sahara Country
Report on Human Rights Practices for 1999 Western Sahara Country
Report on Human Rights Practices for 1998 Western Sahara Country
Report on Human Rights Practices for 1997 Western Sahara Country Report on Human Rights Practices for
1996 Western Sahara Country Report on Human Rights Practices for
1995 Western Sahara Country Report on Human Rights Practices for
1994 HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH Renewed Concern with UN
Operation in Western Sahara,17 May 96 KEEPING IT SECRET: The
United Nations Operation in the Western Sahara, 30.10.95 Human Rights in Morocco, 19.10.95 Appeal to Security
to ensure a free and fair referendum, 19.9.95 CANADIAN LAWYERS ASSOCIATION FOR INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS,
Report of the
Office of
the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), 08.09.06 (non
publié officiellement)
by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Rights in Western Sahara and in the Tindouf Refugee Camps, 216-page
report, focused on the present-day sitruation, 19.12.08
misión de observadores juristas sobre el juicio celebrado en El
Aaiun (Sahara Occidental) el 24 de abril de 2002, Cristina Navarro
Poblet, José Manuel De la Fuente Serrano, Mayo de 2002. Carta abierta a
58° sessión de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de las
NNUU , Ginebra. 25.03.02 Informe:
de los Derechos Humanos - "Sahara Occidental" . 29.03.02 TESTIMONIOS Fatma Maasoud Taher, esposa del
saharaui Mohamed Said Abeid Chaaban COMMUNICADOS Comité de
Coordinación de las víctimas de desapariciones
forzosas en los centros secretos de El Aaiún y Galaat M'Gouna.
(12.04.99) LINK EL KARAMA - Dignidad, publicación ACCIONES Libertad y
para los 526 desparecidos. LLamamento del BIRDHSO, Octubre 2002 -
Enereo 2003 Libertad para Mohamed
todos los presos poliícos saharauis, accion urgente AFAPREDESA,
23.08.01 Entregan a Marruecos a
dos Saharauis detenidos en Canarias 1999 Campaña europea
adopción de desaparecidos saharauis COMISIÓN DE DERECHOS HUMANOS DE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS Resolución
sobre el Sáhara Occidental: E/CN.4/RES/2002/L6 , adoptada el 12
de Abril 2002. (en gallego) 58ª sesión
de la Comisión de derechos
humanosde la ONU, Ginebra, 19.03.-26.04.02 Resolución
sobre el Sáhara Occidental: E/CN.4/RES/2001/1 , adoptada el 5 de
2001. Resolución
sobre el Sáhara Occidental: E/CN.4/RES/2000/2 , adoptada el 7 de
2000. CICR
serif" size="-1">Informe de la Oficina
del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos 08.09.06 (traduccion
realizada por Umdraiga)
Informe sobre la
situación actual, más que los abusos cometidos en el
pasado, 19.12.08,
resumen y recomendaciones