![]() Révolte des Sahraouis - Revolt of the Saharawis - Revuelta de los Saharauis |
18.06.05 - 17.01.06
Liberation de Aminatou Haidar après 7 mois à la Prison noire
Liberación de Aminatu Haidar despues de 7 meses en la Carcel negra
Aminatou Haidar is free after 7 month in the Black Prison
saharaui Aminetu sale de prisión tras cumplir
Terra Actualidad - EFE, 17.01.06
presa políca saharaui Aminetu Haidar, liberada,
Una gran recepci?opular organizada por la poblaci?aharaui en honor de
Aminetu Haidar
es hora de terminar la descolonización del Sáhara
Occidental", declara Aminetu Haidar
SPS 17.01.06
policía marroquí impide celebrar en El Aaiún
salida de la cárcel de la 'Pasionaria
I. Cembrero/El País/ Rojo y Negro, 18.01.06
liberada en El Aaiun,
afrol news, 18.01.06
Aminetu Haidar ,
Rafael Morales, canarias ahora, 20.01.06
grande réception populaire organisée par les
populations sahraouie en l'honneur d'Aminatou Haidar
, SPS,
est grand temps de "parachever la décolonisation du Sahara
Occidental", déclare Aminatou
SPS 17.01.06
Haidar: ma lutte continuera jusqu'à la reconnaissance des
droits du peuple sahraoui,
SPS 18.01.06
prisonniers politiques sahraouis adressent une lettre de
félicitations à Aminatou
comité arabe de soutien au peuple sahraoui adresse une lettre
de félicitations à Aminatou
great popular reception organised by Saharawi populations on the
honour of Aminatou Haidar ,
SPS 17.01.06
is time "to complete the decolonisation of Western Sahara", declare
Aminatou Haidar
, SPS 17.01.06
Saharawi political prisoners address a letter of congratulations to
Aminatou Haidar,
SPS 21.01.06
Arab Committee of support to the Saharawi people addresses a letter
of congratulation to Aminatou
Haidar ,
SPS 26.01.06
Cahiers du Sahara
en arabe
en arabe
Haïdar, numéro d'écrou 26
Cathy Ceïbe, L'Humanité, 14.01.06
Trial - Juicio
- Biographie ...(Fr/
Eng/ Sp)
pour la libération de Aminatou Haidar et tous les prisonniers
politiques sahraouis
Hoy Martes 16 enero de 2006, ya esta en libertad la presa política saharaui Aminato Haidar que ha estado encarcelada durante siete meses en una situación infrahumana, por defender el derecho de la autodeterminación del pueblo saharaui, también por su liderazgo de la población saharaui en los territorios ocupados y el sur de Marruecos en la intifada que comenzó en 21 de mayo 2005.
Aminato Haidar fue secuestrada el día 17 de junio 2005 en el hospital de El Aaiun ocupado, por las fuerzas ocupantes marroquí liderada por el jefe de la policía en El aaiun ocupado Ichi abou el hasan, que fue el encargado de tortúrala dos horas antes del secuestro.
Aminato Haidar nacida el El Aaiun ocupado, madre de dos hijos fue encarcelada por primera vez en 1987 y durante 4 años, en la cárcel secreto PC-CMI en El Aaiun ocupado, donde estaba sometida a todo tipo de tortura y abusos.
Además de la prohibición de tener el pasaporte durante 17 años, estuvo suspendida de empleo y sueldo una temporada.
Desde entonces y aún sigue defendiendo los derechos humanos en el Sahara Occidental. Denunciando todas las violaciones de esos derechos cometidos por las autoridades marroquíes contra los saharauis.
Después del encarcelamiento de Aminato Haidar el 17 junio 2005, todo el mundo se solidarizo con su causa, y se fundo una comisión internacional por la liberación de Aminato Haidar y todos los presos políticos saharauis, incluso ha sido propuesta por el Parlamento Europeo para el premio Sajarov de los derechos humanos de 2005.
Además gano el premio Juan Mares Bandrés de la Asociación Española de apoyo de los refugiados y de los derechos humanos.
Haidar, the human rights activist, was released early last Monday on
January 17th, 2006.
She spent seven months in the black prison in Laayoune due to
unfair trial that
condemned her peaceful and rightful activity for the Saharawi cause
and her struggle to break the silence and to express her view
regarding the Western Sahara .
She has always called for the Independence of the Western Sahara ;
she was arrested a little bit after the intifada started in May 2005
in the occupied territorries of the Western Sahara and in south
Morocco. She showed her solidarity with the intifada and participated
in it. She was one of the leaders of the non-violent resistance. She
was also called Benazir Boutu of Western Sahara . Aminatou Haidar has
always been an advocate of the human rights in Western Sahara and
contributed to unveil many human rights violations committed by the
Moroccan State. She gave speeches and she did many interviews with
many journalists and reporters. She also has been in touch with many
NGO's to bring support to the Saharawi cause. She was always a
witiness of the atrocities of the occupation, and she never hesitated
a bit to unmask the torture, illegal arrest, and rape which were all
part of the Moroccan State malpractices in Western Sahara against
Saharawis. Consequently she was always targeted by the Moroccans and
always harassed by them.
Therefore, because of her rightful activism, she was abducted from
the emergency department in Hassan Belmahdi hospital in June 17, 2005
by the Moroccan police forces called GUS led by the torturer named
Ichi Abu Al-Hassan who is also the man tortured in public to others
before that arrest when she was along with some other Saharawi
activist participating in a peaceful demonstration. She was also one
of the Saharawi political detainees who declared a 51 days of hunger
strike. She also wrote many letters and issued press releases to
NGO's and associations condemning the Moroccan occupation and telling
the world about atrocities from which Saharawi's are suffering. She
was also among the 14th Saharawi prisoners while being trialed
expressed the right of the Sahawari of self determination and
An International Community for her release was founded and succeeded
in collecting
thousands of signatures
calling for her release. Aminatou was also a candidate by the
European parliament to the Sakharov award 2005 and she also was
awarded the Juan Brandeis award by Spanish association for refugees
and human rights. She gained a lot of support on the national and
international level. Later on the Saharawi president gave a speech
broadcasted by the Saharawi radio and was addressed to her
She a mother of two kids Lkasmi Mohammad and Hyatt .
She was born in Laayoune in 1967.
She was abducted in 1987 by the secret services and spent four in the
secret detention center PC-CMI in the occupied Laayoune. She was not
allowed to have a passport for seventeen years and was always
harassed. Her salary was blocked and was fired from her job two
months before her trial. When she was released she was repeating
Sahawari slogans calling for independence and saluting the Saharawi