The serious Human Rights
violations committed by the Moroccan state in the Western Sahara.

Testimony by Larbi Messaoud (biography)
By presenting this
document, The Collective of the
Saharawi Defenders of Human Rights intends to present an
overview of
all different forms of violations of Human Rights committed by Morocco
in Western Sahara, in the aftermath of the peaceful
demonstrations demanding self determination and respect for human
rights erupted in the territory since May 21st, 2005.
1. The Peaceful nature of the uprising:
Being very close to the permanent demonstrations in many districts,
streets and squares in the territory, and thanks to the hard work of
daily investigation and gathering of information carried out by our
activists, the CODESA become aware of the peaceful nature of the
uprising summarized in the slogans of the people expressing their
support for the Polisario and the implementation of the right to
The Moroccan authorities, since then, have intensified their military
and security presence in the territory to oppress the Saharawi
civilians and deprive them form enjoying their very basic rights to
freedom of speech and peaceful demonstration. While very determinant to
harden their Media blackout on the territory by forcing out
Organizations, Parliamentarian delegations, Trade unions and the
international media form the occupied Western Sahara; the Moroccan
authorities have embarked in a large internal media campaign, using all
possible means, to distort, in vain, the democratic nature and
objectives of the uprising.
2. Harassment of the Human Rights Activists:
After their failure to distort and silence the uprising, due to the
determination of the Human rights defenders and their constant work
(informing the public opinion, the international
human rights organizations, and the international media about the
ongoing abuses and atrocities) the Moroccan authorities launched a wide
campaign of arbitrary detentions against many of them, including some
who were not present in the territory at the moment the uprising
erupted for the first time. Those arbitrary arrests bear witness of the
dire will of the Moroccan authorities to prevent the international
public opinion from being aware of the brutalities committed on a daily
basis against the civilian demonstrations in the territory, expanded
later, to include cities in the South of Morocco and some universities
3. The Serious violations of Human Rights committed by the Moroccan
a) Abduction: Since the first day of the demonstrations, many civilians
were arrested and driven by the Moroccan security agents to unknown
destinations to be threatened, and tortured, and later thrown, in
remote places outside the cities, left in very horrific conditions.
b) Torture: Although the Moroccan state has signed and ratified the
convention against torture and has penalized it in 2006, in practice
Morocco does continue torturing the Saharawi citizens, aggressing them
in all secret and official detention centers of the Moroccan Police.
b1- Torture in the secret detention centers: Once again, the
Moroccan authorities have resorted to the abduction and torture of the
Saharawi Citizens in centers of secret detention. The locations of some
of those centers are not yet known to the public, despite the fact that
some of the activists were kept in for more than 06 days.
Some of the victims have testified on the methods of torture used in
those secret detention centers, especially Mr. Houssen Lidri and Mr. Brahim Noumria, two human rights
activists, abducted by the Judiciary police in El Aaiun and tortured in
the secret centre of detention “PCCM” for more than 48 hours by the
chief members of the Moroccan security service.
In their testimony, both confirmed all sorts of torture psychological
and physical (the aircraft position, blind folded, beatings, insulting,
depriving them from sleeping, eating and drinking…).
With regard to the methods of torture against the Saharawi civilians in
the police centers, we may mention the followings:
- Beatings on all parts of the body especially the most sensible
- the interrogation of the victims, blind folded and hands tied all
the time;
- threatening of murder or of rape;
- forcing the detainee to remain standing, not allowed to sleep,
eat or drink;
- setting the detainee on fire (the case of the youngster Saidi Salek);
- the torture of the children in front of their mothers (the case
of Lemisi Abdennaser who found himself deaf after his detention).
The Moroccan authorities are committing those atrocities with no
distinction of age, gender or physical condition of the detainee. Many
cases of tortured pregnant women and handicaps were reported to the
As a result of those barbarous actions against the Saharawi civilians,
some innocent civilians were murdered by the Moroccan police (Hamdi Lembarki and Abba Cheikh Lejlifi). In addition, some
activists found themselves condemned to spend the rest of their lives
with physical handicaps, as was the case of the Ms. Sultana Khaya who
lost one of her eyes on the hands of the Moroccan police, in one of the
demonstrations. The abortion of Saharawi women as a result of the
torture (Mrs. Ghlana Burhah) is also reported about frequently.
Saharawi Children under detention, as well as their families, are also
subject to racist and inhumane practices that put in danger their
future and extinguish the innocence from the face of every saharawi
children living under Moroccan occupation. Many saharawi children
go through torture, pain and other degradations, just to deprive them
from education and their innocent dreams and to expose them to
psychological fear and the daily sufferings of the military and
security blockage imposed on the occupied territories of the Western
Many saharawi families complain that their children suffer from
nightmares, fear and some urinate while sleeping, others, experience
stomach and head illness and psychological instability. Such situation
makes the teachers worry about the future of the students, especially,
since most of them have problems memorizing lessons and they do not
feel it is important to pass an examination or even to continue
attending school.
Many saharawi children suffer from many serious wounds due to the
torment, beatings and racial discrimination they go through in the
judiciary police centers. Other physical and psychological torture
inflicted to saharawi children in these centers include sleep and
drinking depravation, to make them repeat the Moroccan hymn and other
Moroccan propagandist slogans and threats to their lives if they
continue to participate in peaceful demonstrations.
Due to such practices, the Moroccan authorities are pushing many
saharawi children to escape the political unrest in small home made
boats to the Spanish coast. In this regard, since the beginning of the
“independence intifada” an estimated 500 saharawi citizens, including
some minors have attempted to cross to Europe, causing the death of
dozens of them and the disappearance of others, whose families accuse
the Moroccan authorities of being responsible of their disappearance,
such is the case of the 15 saharawi children and youngsters whose
disappearance has brought contradictory statements from the
Moroccan security apparatus since December 25th , 2005.
Then, how can it be possible to say that the saharawi children are not
targeted when there is a clear policy to target them through drug and
human smuggling networks, their schools and houses are subject to
regular police raids and the Moroccan security apparatus carry
out usual campaigns of intimidation against them.
Political detention
Since the beginning of the “intifada of independence” the Moroccan
authorities have launched a widespread campaign of political detentions
against the saharawi demonstrators that even included the human rights
activists in the Western Sahara. The aim of such detentions was
to tie the human rights activists to criminal activities, this
maneuver, however, did not work because the international observers
testified that the saharawi human right activists were arrested for
their participation in the peaceful demonstrations demanding the right
for self-determination for the saharawi people. The human rights
activists also went on many hunger strikes to change their appalling
detention conditions and their 20 to 4 years jail sentences. The
Moroccan authorities finally released all of the saharawi political
detainees, to soon after detain dozens of saharawi citizens for
participating in peaceful demonstrations. Today, around 40 saharawi
political detainees, including three minors, are held in Moroccan
prisons with no respect to their rights as political prisoners. Many of
these political prisoners went on a hunger strike starting on September
17th 2007 demanding their right to education and learning. Ahmaidan Elwali, one of the political
prisoners was transferred, against his will, from the “Black Jail” in
El Aaiun to the local jail of Tarudanet in Morocco. Penitentiary
authorities inflict all kinds of torture and discrimination against the
saharawi political prisoners while the Moroccan police size the
opportunity to abuse them with vengeance while escorting them to the
hospital or to court.
The Moroccan state continues to detain, arbitrarily, saharawi citizens
and to hold them, sometimes for over 6 days without telling their
relatives about their whereabouts, just to release them afterwards
without charges.
Moroccan state’s violations of human rights committed against saharawi
citizens violate all international human rights conventions,
particularly the chapters 08, 09 and 10 of the international
declaration of Human Rights and the chapters 01, 06, 07 and 09 of the
international convention on civil and political rights and the
principles to protect all individuals subject to any kind of detention,
the declaration of the rights of the children and the convention
against torture.
Geneva, le 24.09.07