![]() Révolte des Sahraouis - Revolt of the Saharawis - Revuelta de los Saharauis |
The testimony of the Human rights activist and political detainee in the local prison of El Ayun, Western Sahara, Brahim Noumria
I am the human ights activist and Sahrawi political prisoner in the Black Jail in El Ayun, Western Sahara under the number 26 356 . I was arrested on July 20, 2005 at 10 a.m. together with the human rights activists Elhoucine Lidri and Larbi Massaoud after the breaking into the Sahrawi human rights activist and former disappeared, Fatma Ayache, by some Moroccan General intelligence and judicial police agents in El Ayun, Western Sahara.
We were transported by a Renault Traffic under a firm control by 8 Moroccan police agents in their civil clothes to the Judicial Police center in Kilomina district. We were separated to different offices to take our information for about one hour. Then we were blind folded and taken to a police car. I was put between two police agents who put a newspaper on my head in order not to be seen.
Half an hour later, the car stopped in an unknown place where the police agents were changed. No more than fifteen minutes after the car moved, it stopped again. I was put in an unknown place where there is complete silence except the boots noise that I could hear.
As I was subjected to abduction and disappearance five times in 1983, 1985, 1987 and 1991, I knew that I was in a horrible big room ,the same one where I was tortured in 1987 and 1991 in the secret jail PC CMI in El Ayun, Western Sahara.
Then an agent put his hand on my shoulder, took my jacket off and took out all what was inside. Then, I was interrogated by a group of officials who asked me about my opinion concerning the Western Sahara, the peaceful demonstrations calling for self-determination that took place in El Ayun and other cities since May 21, 2005, and upon the relations I have with foreign associations and organizations.
While being interrogated, I was badly treated, beaten, insulted, spilt on, savagely tortured at the manner of the 'roasted chicken', tightening my hands and feet together at the back, putting a stick between them. I was hanged up in the air which causes a lot of pain on the back, shoulders and waist. I was again interrogated in this way until I lost consciousness. I was clapped on the face, my hair was pulled, burnt with fire and sprayed with an unknown liquid that caused a lot of pain for me. Then they forced me to run as a training for hands and legs. They also beat me on my hands while they were high on the wall and squeezed my throat. This was repeated for many hours as I was subjected to the Roasted chicken method of torture. They put some soft cloth on my hands in order not to leave traces of torture on my body.
The period of the abduction was about 38 hours from 10 a.m. on July 20 to 13:00 on July 22, 2005. Then I was taken blindfolded in a car to put me in a cell guarded by a Moroccan agent in the Central police Station in Smara street. Then, the other activists joined me, Mohamed Elmoutaoikil, and Larbi Massaoud while Elhoucine Lidri was put in another cell nearby, feeling pain because of the torture in the PC CMI.
Although I talked to the General attorney, who gave his order to put us in the hospital for cure, about the torture I was subjected to together with Lidri Elhoucine , the latter was tortured again in the PC CMI and I was taken to my house in order to be fetched without taking an official permission from me. They confiscated some books and documents in Arabic, French and Spanish and took all of us to the court of appeal after a night sleep on the floor with no blankets or sheets or even food. At the court of appeal we did not see our proceedings prepared by the judicial police in El Ayun, Western Sahara.
Now I am with the three Sahrawi prisoners in a small cell in the Black Jail, which does not cater for the least human conditions.
I was tortured by the Moroccan security agents supervised by the ice-Wali of security in El Ayun, Western Sahara, Brahim Bensami, the torturer Abou Hassan Ichi., the chief officer of the Urban Security Group and the director of the General Intelligence, Hassan Elghaffari and his assistants, Abdelhaq Rabii, Abderrahim, Abdessabour and Abdellah Abhir, the chief officer of the Quick intervention forces that is based in the PC CMI where I was tortured and interrogated.
It is worth-mentioning here that the Sahrawi activists that were arrested with me are :
The Local
El Ayun, Western Sahara
August 01, 2005
The political prisoner,
Prison number: 26 356
Brahim Noumria
>> He has been transfered to Ouchaka prison of Casablanca on August first.
>> see also his biography