![]() Révolte des Sahraouis - Revolt of the Saharawis - Revuelta de los Saharauis |
Mister Kofi Annan
Secretary General of the United Nations,
New York Brussels, 23rd June 2005
Subject: Violations of Human Rights in Western Sahara
Mister Secretary General,
We are writing to you in relation to the very serious situation that is currently developing in the territory of Western Sahara under Moroccan occupation.
Since 21 May 2005, peaceful demonstrations have taken place in Western Sahara calling for the implementation of UN resolutions as the sole solution to a conflict that has lasted for almost 30 years.
The Moroccan authorities have responded to these peaceful demonstrations with brutal repression, thus violating the most fundamental principles of the right to demonstrate and freedom of expression.
Up until now, the number of victims is of more than 300 wounded, some of them suffering from very serious injuries, struggling to stay alive and being denied any medical assistance in hospital, 85 imprisoned, and more than 30 people missing. In addition, entire families are being harassed in their own homes. What is more, the territory is completely sealed off to the media and at least three delegations of parliamentarians and other personalities, especially coming from Spain, have not been allowed to enter the land to see for themselves the gravity of the current situation.
We firmly believe that this situation must be dealt with urgently by deploying all the political tools required. Let us not forget that this is a latent conflict, in which the UN is struggling to maintain a very fragile ceasefire.
Therefore, we call on the UN:
1. To put pressure on Morocco so that it immediately stops the repression of civilians.
2. To make sure that the national and international media can enter the territory and do their job without any kind of impediments.
3. To set up an international inquiry commission to investigate these events.
4. To send permanent international observers and human rights organizations in the aim of protecting the Saharawi civil population that is constantly being harassed by the Moroccan army, police and rapid intervention forces.
PSE = Socialist Group in the European
Parliament Verts/ALE = Group of the
Greens/European Free Alliance GUE/NGL = Confederal Group of the
European United Left/Nordic Green Left PPE-DE = Group of the European's
People Party (Christian Democrats) and European
Democrats ALDE = Group of the Alliance of
Liberals and Democrats for Europe NAME POLITICAL GROUP COUNTRY 1 ADAMOU Adamos GUE/NGL Cyprus 2 ANDERSSON Jan PSE Sweden 3 AUBERT
Maire-Hélène Verts/ALE France 4 AUKEN Margrete Verts/ALE Denmark 5 BERGER Maria PSE Austria 6 BERLINGUER Giovanni PSE Italy 7 BÖSCH Herbert PSE Austria 8 BOZKURT Emine PSE Netherlands 9 BULLMANN Udo PSE Germany 10 CARNERO GONZALEZ Carlos PSE Spain 11 CASACA Paulo PSE Portugal 12 CHRISTENSEN Ole PSE Denmark 13 CORBEY Dorette PSE Netherlands 14 DIEZ GONZALEZ Rosa PSE Spain 15 DOS SANTOS Manuel
António PSE Portugal 16 DÜHRKOP DÜHRKOP
Barbara PSE Spain 17 EK Lena ALDE Sweden 18 ETTL Harald PSE Austria 19 FERNANDES Emanuel Jardim PSE Portugal 20 FERREIRA Anne PSE France 21 GARCIA PEREZ Iratxe PSE Spain 22 GEBHARDT Evelyne PSE Germany 23 GOMES Ana Maria PSE Portugal 24 GRABOWSKA Genowefa PSE Poland 25 GRÖNER Lissy PSE Germany 26 GURMAI Zita PSE Hungary 27 HAMMERSTEIN David Verts/ALE Spain 28 HARMS Rebecca Verts/ALE Germany 29 HAUG Jutta D. PSE Germany 30 HEDH Anna PSE Sweden 31 HEDKVIST PETERSEN Ewa PSE Sweden 32 HERCZOG Edit PSE Hungary 33 HONEYBALL Mary PSE UK 34 ISLER BEGUIN Marie Anne Verts/ALE France 35 JOAN i MARI Bernat Verts/ALE Spain 36 JÖNS Karin PSE Germany 37 JORGENSEN Dan PSE Denmark 38 KALLENBACH Gisela Verts/ALE Germany 39 KARAS Othmar PPE-DE Austria 40 KINNOCK Glenys PSE UK 41 KOTEREC Milos PSE Slovakia 42 KREHL Constanze Angela PSE Germany 43 KREISSL-DÖRFLER Wolfgang PSE Germany 44 KUHNE Helmut PSE Germany 45 LAMBERT Jean Verts/ALE UK 46 LAVARRA Vincenzo PSE Italy 47 LEHTINEN Lasse PSE Finland 48 LEICHTFRIED Jürg PSE Austria 49 LEINEN Jo PSE Germany 50 LICHTENBERGER Evelin Verts/ALE Austria 51 LUCAS Caroline Verts/ALE UK 52 MAATEN Jules ALDE Netherlands 53 MADEIRA Jamilia PSE Portugal 54 MALMSTRÖM Cecilia ALDE Sweden 55 MARTINEZ MARTINEZ Miguel Angel PSE Spain 56 MASIP HIDALGO Antonio PSE Spain 57 MASTENBROEK Edith PSE Netherlands 58 MATSAKIS Mario ALDE Cyprus 59 MENENDEZ DEL VALLE Emilio PSE Spain 60 MIKKO Marianne PSE Estonia 61 MORGAN Eluned PSE UK 62 MORGANTINI Luisa GUE/NGL Italy 63 MYLLER Riitta PSE Finland 64 ÖZDEMIR Cem Verts/ALE Germany 65 PALECKIS Justas Vincas PSE Lithuania 66 PAPADIMOULIS Dimitrios GUE/NGL Greece 67 PIECYK Willi PSE Germany 68 PITTELLA Giovanni PSE Italy 69 PRETS Christa PSE Austria 70 RESETARITS Karin ALDE Austria 71 RIERA MADURELL Teresa PSE Spain 72 ROMEVA i RUEDA Raul Verts/ALE Spain 73 ROTHE Mechtild PSE Germany 74 RÜBIG Paul PPE-DE Austria 75 SACCONI Guido PSE Italy 76 SALINAS GARCIA Marˆ‚a Isabel PSE Spain 77 SANCHEZ PRESEDO Antolˆ‚n PSE Spain 78 SCHEELE Karin PSE Austria 79 SCHIERHUBER Agnes PPE-DE Austria 80 SCHLYTER Carl Verts/ALE Sweden 81 SCHMIDT Frithjof Verts/ALE Germany 82 SEEBER Richard PPE-DE Austria 83 SEGELSTRÖM Inger PSE Sweden 84 SIFUNAKIS Nikolaos PSE Greece 85 SJÖSTEDT Jonas GUE/NGL Sweden 86 SORNOSA MARTINEZ Maria PSE Spain 87 STAES Bart Verts/ALE Belgium 88 STENZEL Ursula PPE-DE Austria 89 STHILER Catherine PSE UK 90 SWOBODA Hannes PSE Austria 91 TARABELLA Marc PSE Belgium 92 TRIANTAPHYLLIDES Kyriacos GUE/NGL Cyprus 93 TURMES Claude Verts/ALE Luxembourg 94 VALENCIANO María Elena PSE Spain 95 VAN DEN BERG Max PSE Netherlands 96 VAN DEN BURG Ieke PSE Netherlands 97 VAN LANCKER Anne PSE Belgium 98 VINCENZI Marta PSE Italy 99 WEILER Barbara PSE Germany 100 WESTLUND Asa PSE Sweden 101 WHITEHEAD Phillip PSE UK 102 WYNN Terence PSE UK 103 ZIMMER Gabriele GUE/NGL Germany 104 ZINGARETTI Nicola PSE Italy
Mister Kofi Annan
Secretary General of the United Nations,
New York Brussels, 23rd June 2005
Motivo: Violaciones de los derechos humanos en el Sahara Occidental
Nos dirigimos a usted en referencia a la grave situación que se esta viviendo actualmente en el territorio del Sahara Occidental ocupado por Marruecos.
Desde el 21 de mayo de 2005 se vienen produciendo en el Sahara Occidental manifestaciones pacificas reclamando el cumplimiento de las resoluciones de la ONU como única solución a un conflicto que dura ya casi 30 años.
Las autoridades marroquíes respondieron dichas manifestaciones con una brutal represión violando así las reglas más elementales del derecho de manifestación y de libre expresión.
Hasta el momento el balance de las victimas se puede resumir en mas de 300 heridos, algunos muy graves que se debaten entre la vida y la muerte donde se les prohíbe a los médicos atenderles en los hospitales, 85 detenidos, mas de una treintena de desaparecidos, acoso a familias enteras en sus propios domicilios y lo mas grave aun es que el territorio se encuentra totalmente cerrado a los medios de comunicación y por lo menos a tres delegaciones de diputados y otras personalidades especialmente de España que se les impidió comprobar sobre el terreno tan grave situación.
Creemos firmemente que tal situación merece ser atendida con urgencia y con la responsabilidad política que exige el momento, no olvidamos que existe un conflicto latente donde las NU mantienen un ya muy frágil "alto del fuego".
Por ello exigimos:
1. Presionar a Marruecos para cesar de forma inmediata la represión contra los civiles.
2. Permitir la entrada y facilitar el trabajo de los medios de comunicaciones nacionales e internacionales sin ningún tipo de restricciones.
3. La creación de una comisión internacional de investigación de los hechos.
4. La permanencia constante de observadores internacionales y Organizaciones de derechos humanos con el objetivo de proteger a la población civil saharaui acosada constantemente por el ejército, la policía y fuerzas de intervención rápida.