Révolte des Sahraouis - Revolt of the Saharawis - Revuelta de los Saharauis


News of September 23, 2005


The health state of the Sahrawi activist, Aminatou Haidar is still deteriorating


The Sahrawi political prisoner and HR activist, Aminatou Haidar's health is deteriorating dramatically due to the continuous hunger strike she is going on for the 45th  day together with 36 other SAhrawi poliytical prisoners.

The news coming from the Black Prison say that on September 22, 2005, at 21 :30, she lost consciousness again and was taken to Belmehdi hospital  in terrible conditions where she was subjected to medical treatment. She had troubles on intestines and the digestive apparatus. The doctors exploited her unconsciousness to inject her twice without consulting her. She was put back in prison  at about 23 :30.

Aminatou can hardly speak or walk by herself. She suffers from heart troubles and serious weight loss while the Moroccan authorities still refuse to fullfil the Sahrawi political prisoners' demands.

Nouvelles du 23 septembre 2005

Aminatou Haidar, à son 45ème jour de grève de la faim a été à nouveau hospitalisée après avoir perdu connaissance. Profiant de son état les médecins lui ont appliqué des injections contre son gré puis l'ont renvoyée à la prison. La militante des drots humains ne peu que difficilement parler et se mouvoir, elle présente des troubles cardiaques.

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