Révolte des Sahraouis - Revolt of the Saharawis - Revuelta de los Saharauis


NEWS of 19 and 20 of September

The health of the political prisoner, Aminatou Haidar is in danger while the prison headmaster is still continuing the harassment against her

On September 20,2005, at about 19 :30 Aminatou Haidar lost consciousness for two hours, and was taken to Belmehsi hospital in El Ayun for examination and treatment. She was taken back to prison at about 22 :30 the same day.
She also still suffers from harassment by Mustafa Errifaai, the headmaster of the Black Prison in El Ayun.

The Sahrawi prisoner, Eljanhawi Lakhlifa loses consciousnes and Hmad Hammad's health is in danger

On September 19, 2005 at about 22 :45 the prisoner Eljanhawi Lakhlifa lost consciousness and was taken to Belmehdi hospital in El Ayun. He was subjected to great pressure to break the hunger strike, but he refused to be injected by some medical stimulants. The doctors stressed that he suffers from intestinal troubles, but he asserted that he will break the strike only if all their demands are fullfiled. He was taken back to the Black Prison at 13 :00.

The latest news coming from prison says that the Sahrawi political prisoner and HR activist, Hmad Hammad's health status is very serious. He can no longer move or speak apart from heart troubles. Hmad Hammad already suffers from troublesof the digestive apparatus, lack of sight and heart illness.

Nouvelles des 19 et 20 septembre

L'état de santé des prisoniers de détériore de plus en plus.

Aminatou Haidar a été hospitalisée le 20 durant 3 heures pour des examen et traitement après avoir perdu connaissance durant 2 heures. Ele est harcelée par le directeur de la prison.

Eljanhawi Lakhlifa a été conduit à l'hôpital après avoir perdu connaissance le 19 septembre où il a été soumis à de fortes pressions pour arrêter la grève mais il refusé tant que les revendications ne sont pas satisfaites.

Hmad Hammad est dans un état précaire, il ne peut ni se mouvoir ni parler et souffre de troubels cardiaques et intestinaux.

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