Sid Hamdi Yahidh, Sahraui writer in Spain

The affair of POW in western Sahara becomes an international question in the last days. Since the security council had adopted its last resolution, in which it requested the POLISARIO Front to release all the pow without delay, the affair of the prisoners of war in Sahara becomes an important affair. Here I would like to express some points which are clear but the political world of interests tries to ignore them completelly.

- The pow are in western Sahara since the begining of the war, and POLISARIO did not ignore this question. In contrary, the Sahraui organisation( POLISARIO) is always demanding the humanitarian organisations to visit them and to report of their life conditions which are equal, or better than, the Sahraui refugees conditions.

- The S.C did not request to release the POW except in its last resolutions after the failure of the peace process. The UN and all the world know very well that the problem of POW was / is a part of the peace plan, and must not to be treated outside the mentioned process. Why the S.C requested to resolve the pow problem and refused to resolve the problem of the Saharaui refugees. Why it could only stop the the war and release the POW without resolving the rest of the Saharaui tragedy.

- The problem of the POW is really an humanitarian problem, but it is like the tragedy of the Saharaui refugees who are outside their homeland, their own homes since more than three decades. If we look to the other face of the problem of the Moroccan POW we would find that the Sahraui army captured them in Western Sahara itself. They entered W.S as accupiants. They killed and tortured the Saharawis and evacuated them from their homes by the force of arms without mercy.

- Why the "France Liberté" organisation ignored the problem of the POW all the past long years or it had discovered them only yesterday.? The France Liberté knows very well that Morocco, who had refused many times to receive its delegations and insulted its president, is the real principal doer of all this tragedy. Why the organisation refrained in the past to prononce a word when Morocco refused to receive the poor prisoners when The POLISARIO released more than 200 of them.?

The "France liberté", after publishing its last report becomes a political organisation and not humanitarian one. It lobbies now with the friends of Morocco and not with right.


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