European Coordination of support to the Saharawi people, EUCOCO


Press Release - Western Sahara


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This Wednesday, 22nd January at 10 am, Mr Francisco Fernandez Fabregas, Spanish Ambassador in Brussels, received a delegation led by Pierre Galand, President of EUCOCO, and composed of Paulette Pierson-Mathy, Professor of International Law, Ferdy Wilems MEP, member of the Intergroup "Peace for the Saharawi People", Daniel Dekkers, representative of the Belgian Saharawi Support Committee and NGOs. The delegation presented the Ambassador with a dossier covering their principal demands with regard to the inalienable right of the Saharawi people to a referendum of self-determination, the basic right of the refugees to international aid and the human rights of the Saharawi citizens in the Moroccan-occupied territories.

Ambassador F. Fernandez Fabregas thanked the delegation for this visit, which came on the eve of the UN Security Council adopting a resolution on Western Sahara following the production of the Report on 16th January of the UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan. He reaffirmed that Spain would defend the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination as provided for in the UN peace plan.

He further said that Spain regretted that certain European countries, members of the Council, had not adopted this position and were preventing Europe both from speaking with one voice and from being able to work to find a just solution to the conflict.

The Ambassador expressed a real concern for the deterioration in humanitarian aid that the refugee population in the Tindouf camps were suffering from and the obligation of the international community to guarantee the well-being of the Saharawis in the camps.

In conclusion, the Ambassador undertook to transmit the documents presented by the delegation and the content of the meeting to his government.

Pierre Galand, President EUCOCO

Brussells, 22nd January 2003

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