Between 6 and 20 March an International Committee of the Red Cross
team visited a large number of the 1,877 Moroccan prisoners held by
the Polisario Front. The main purpose of the visit was to assess the
men's state of health and the availability of medical care for them
in the region. As delays regarding the UN settlement plan have held
up the prisoners' repatriation, the ICRC is trying to find ways of
providing these men, most of whom have been held for close to 20
years, with more specialized care on the spot. The doctor found that
many of the prisoners needed special tests and treatment that could
only be given in a properly equipped hospital. The ICRC delegates
paid particular attention to the 83 men freed in April 1997 and still
awaiting repatriation to Morocco. Two of the men released at the time
have since died.
European Union
The European deputy Marianne Eriksson, Left Party Sweden, has put
a question to the Commission about the allowances to Morocco. "Is the
commission planning to stop or cut down the allowances ?
During an African tour, the Sahrawi Minister of Foreign Affairs Ould
Salek was received by Malawi's Minister of Foreign Affairs, who
restated Malawi's support "for the just cause of the Sahrawi people
and its unwavering support for the peace plan." Ould Salek also met
Namibian President Sam Nujoma in Windhoek in early February. (Sahrawi
Ministry of Information)
Sahrawi press agency
The Sahrawi government, upon the initiative of the Ministry of
Information, decided to create a national press agency, Sahara Press
Service. (SPS)
SADR Government activities
The Sahrawi government heard reports from the President of the
Sahrawi Red Crescent and the Director General of Cooperation on their
recent missions to Europe. The government decided to undertake a
study tour, beginning April 3, of all the wilayas to consult
residents on how to resolve daily problems. (SPS)
Socialist International
Malaïnine Sadik, Minister-Counselor to the President,
represented the Polisario Front at a meeting of the Africa Committee
of the IS in Bamako, Mali, upon invitation by the International
Headquarters of the IS. The agenda focussed on globalization,
regional conflicts and the advancement and promotion of democracy in
Africa. The meeting was in preparation for the IS Council meeting in
Buenos Aires on June 25 and 26. (Sahrawi Ministry of
Security Council Resolution S/RES/1232
The Security Council unanimously decided to extend MINURSO's mandate
until April 30, 1999 "so that all parties can reach an agreement."
Morocco, forced disappearances
In the face of lack of progress on the issue of forced
disappearances, Morocco's four human rights associations, along with
the Moroccan bar association and the Comité de coordination
des familles des disparus, made up of former political prisoners and
family members of the disappeared, have decided to create a single
organization to speed up resolution of this issue. (Reuters)
United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva, 55th session, point
5, the right of a people to self-determination.
Several delegates brought up the question of the Western Sahara,
including representatives from Algeria, France Libertés and
LIDLIP. The Algerian delegation stated that despite the recent
agreements between Morocco and the UN, "a lot remains to be done,"
but "Algeria will spare no efforts to see the Western Sahara peace
process brought to fruition." France Libertés condemned
Morocco's obstruction of the peace process.
Cagnano Amiterno, L'Aquila, Italy: this municipality adopted a resolution calling on the Italian government to suspend all arms sales to Morocco, prevent threats to Western Sahara's resources, participate in clearing the territory of landmines, increase humanitarian aid to the refugees and recognize the SADR.
31.03.-03.04.99: An Italian delegation made up of representatives of political parties, communes, provinces and Sahrawi support associations as well as journalists visited the refugee camps and liberated zones in the SADR. This visit was organized by the Associazione Nazionale de Solidarietà col Popolo Sahrawi (ANSPS) in collaboration with the Associazione di Solidarietà e Amicizia col Popolo Sahrawi "Enzo Mazzarini."
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