Letter to William Clinton (22.10.98)
14 US Congressmen sent a letter to President Clinton asking the
Administration to " be unequivocal in expressing (its) disappointment
with Morocco's obstruction of a fair and free referendum.
Furthermore, if Morocco does not cooperate with the UN and Secretary
Baker, the United States should consider outright recognition of the
Saharawi Republic".
Right to self-determination
In Barcelona, Spain, a seminary took place from 21.-27.11.98,
organized by the UNESCO Center of Catalonia and the UNESCO Division
of Human Rights and Peace. The theme was :The implementation of the
right to self-determination as a contribution to conflict resolution.
Great emphasis was placed on the Western Sahara and Saharawi Minister
Mohamed Sidati has to forward the conclusions to UN SG Kofi Annan
The situation in the occupied territories
During the UN Secretary General's visit, a Swiss journalist was able
to visit the occupied zones in Western Sahara. He reported that
journalists in El Ayoun were more or less discreetly followed by "men
dressed in sports clothes like in the old days in the Eastern Bloc."
It was impossible to make contact with the locals. When one young man
who could speak English approached a journalist, another youth
intervened stating "that he should not be speaking to a foreigner."
In another neighbourhood a brief discussion was able to take place
without witnesses. Four people claiming to be Sahrawis stated their
situation was bad, that the indigenous population was discriminated
against in favour of Moroccan colonists brought to the region by the
government. Decent apartments and good jobs are reserved to
Moroccans. Moroccan and Sahrawi children are educated separately. No
opposition is tolerated and five clandestine prisons still exist in
Western Sahara for anyone who attempts such resistance.
UK House of Commons
Derek Fatchett, State Minister in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, stated that a referendum should be held in the Western Sahara as soon as possible.
A Parliamentary Group "Peace for Western Sahara" has been created.
UN General Assembly
The Assembly unanimously accepted the resolution on Western Sahara
proposed by the Fourth Committee, that reiterates its support for a
referendum on the self-determination of the people of Western
The Sahrawi ambassador to Venezuela visited Argentina at the end of
November. Hash Ahmed was received by the ministry of foreign affairs.
He also met a number of Argentinean parliamentarians including the
president of the foreign affairs commission.
Sevila, 4th Congress of the Federation of progressist lawyers
The congress passed a resolution in favour of a referendum on
self-determination. It called on Spain to abandon its pseudo-neutral
position and to help MINURSO in any way possible as well as to
suspend its accords with Morocco that could compromise Spanish
neutrality, especially in the area of arms.
In a communiqué published on December 7, the date a referendum
was supposed to be held in the Western Sahara, the "Coordination
européenne du soutien au peuple sahraoui", meeting in
Brussels, reaffirmed that the UN/OAU peace plan remains the only
viable path toward independence for Africa's last colony. It called
on the Council of Ministers of the European Union to ask France and
Spain to abandon their partisan positions that encourage Morocco.
Moroccan nuclear plant
Opposition is already being voiced to the project to build a 10 MW
plant in proximity to Tan-Tan. A parliamentarian from the Canary
Islands is calling on the autonomous government to inquire into the
project given that it represents a potential danger for the Canaries,
located less than 200 km from the Moroccan coast. He pointed out that
alternative energy forms exist that are less dangerous than nuclear
power, to desalinate seawater. The Canary Islands environmental
federation, Ben Magec, is also opposed to the project: "Setting up 20
to 30 wind turbines, which cost a lot less and produce no waste,
would be adequate." (Canarias7)
Kofi Anna met the UK and US ambassadors, upon their request, to
discuss issues related to Libya and the Western Sahara. The Secretary
General's report on the Western Sahara was submitted today to the
members of the Security Council who are scheduled to announce their
decision on December 17 regarding MINURSO's future. Before this,
meetings will be held on Dec. 14 with countries with military
commitments to MINURSO and consultations will take place on Dec. 15
Moroccan denial
Ahmed Snoussi, Morocco's permanent representative to the UN,
refuted the news that the Kingdom had rejected the UN Secretary
General's latest proposals. In a statement published in the Arabic
daily Asharq al-Awsat, Snoussi called this information "tendentious
propaganda spread by the enemies of the territorial integrity of
Morocco." Snoussi foresees another meeting with Annan to look at
Morocco's response (MAP).
"The referendum in Western Sahara must take place"
Around the 7 of December 1998, scheduled day for the referendum, all
over Europe manifestations took place, to support a quick
implementation of the vote.
The AFAPREDESA published a "Declaration of December 7", the European
Coordination of the support of the Saharawi people spead a
communiqué. In France the French section of the International
Observatory of the referendum in WS publishe in the newspaper "Le
Monde" an appeal signed by numerous personalities. In Spain
intellectuals made public a "Manifesto" and in several cities
demonstrations with symbolic votes took place.
Sweden: On 7 December a manifestation, arranged by Föreningen
Västsahara, was held outside the Moroccan embassy in Stockholm.
Maj-Britt Theorin, Social Democrat, from the European parliament and
Eva Zetterberg, Left, vice chairman of the Swedish parliament, among
others, said in their speeches that Morocco has to implement the
referendum and that the international community must put pressure on
Morocco to fullfill the peace agreement. A letter to the Moroccan
king has been signed by most parties of the parliament, their women
and youth organisations together with a number of other
organisations. In the letter the Moroccan government is demanded to
respect the Houston agreement and to fullfill the peace process. The
Moroccan government is also asked to fullfill agreements not only in
words but also in action. An interparliamentarian group was
reestablished in the Swedish parliament on 7 December. In Gothenburg
speaches were made and leaflets were spread about the postponed
referendum as well.