Meeting about the repatriation
More than 60 delegates of NGOs working in the refugee camps in health
projects met in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque country, Spain. An important
Saharawi delegation, leaded by health Minister Bachir Mustafa Sayed
participated to the workshop. A repatriation plan, in conformity with
the spirit and the letter of the Houston agreements was elaborated
which warrants to the Saharawi refugees a return respecting their
free will, dignity and security. The project has been transmitted to
the UNHCR for improvement and adoption .
Morocco: Disappeared people
Mothers and wifes of victims of forced disappearance between 1963 and
1995 manifested once more at the seat of the Moroccan Organization of
Human Rights, asking the authorities to resolve definitively this
painfull problem.
In an interview the new leader of the Moroccan Istiqlal Party, Abbas
El Fassi ,said: "Morocco has accepted the international resolution
asking for a self-determination referendum, but there is a more
important principle, the right for territorial integrity."
Mr Dunbar held talks with Mauritania's President Maouya ould Sidi
Ahmed Taya. He visited also the identification office in Zouerat.
SADR Foreign Affairs Minister Ould Salek met in Strasbourg with the
Parliamentary Group "Peace for the Saharawi people" of the European
The same day the Parliament adopted a recommendation for the Council
asking it to support the peace plan, to participate actively to the
organization of the referendum, to give humanitarian aid for the
reinstallation of the refugees and to participate to the MINURSO
financially and with observers.
The United Nations might call new talks next month between Morocco
and Polisario. M'Hamed Khaddad, Saharawi responsible for the
Identification said in a press conference in Paris that former U.S.
secretary of state James Baker was considering meeting the two sides
in Houston, Texas. Khaddad, who was returning from talks in New York
with Annan and Baker, said Morocco and the Polisario were still
arguing over whether some tribes were eligible to vote. He said that
the December 7, 1998, date set for the referendum was still on, but
meeting the May 31 deadline would be difficult.
The identification process, which had been temporarily suspended
since 27 February, resumed on 11.03.98. Some differences between the
parties over the identification of the contested tribes prevented the
adoption of the March programme. A total of 1,500 out of the 4,000
people from the contested tribes were in fact identified in February.
The remaining people were yet to be identified. The United Nations
Identification Commission would identify non-contested applicants for
the time being.
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said in a press conference at the
National Press Club in Washington:"Since my involvement, we have
resumed the identification process and have identified thousands of
people. We have had some hiccups and we do have some problems that we
are working on, but I don't think they are insurmountable at this
"Mr Baker is still engaged in the process and it has always been
agreed that, if necessary, he can bring the parties together for
another meeting. And so the possibility of a meeting [in Houston]
cannot be excluded."
Interview of the Saharawi President
"As a matter of fact Morocco is presenting applicants who do not
correspond to any of the five criteria. Numerous groups of men of the
same age, never women, are not able to answer to the questions of the
Identification Commission regarding their origins or tribe. The
Moroccan manipulation is obvious."
"The eventuality of a referendum issue which is against independance,
is not even one of our most far-fetched forecasts. The Moroccans are
not sure of the results, that's why they use cheating and
manipulations and the presence of 120,000 soldiers in the territory."
(La Vanguardia, Barcelona)
Visit of the Saharawi President in Catalonia, Spain
Speaking in front of an audience of businessmen and politicians,
Mohamed Abdelaziz explained broad outlines of the future Saharawi
state he defines as democratic, modern, based on multipartism and
economical liberalism, which will realise equality between men and
women, in which religion and state will be separate. Questionned
about the new Moroccan Prime Minister, he hopes that Youssoufi will
bring something new, also regarding the relations with the Saharawi
During his trip Abdelaziz met Catalan politicians. He asked for
economical assistance for the reconstruction of the country, which
needs are enormous and urgent. Mohamed Abdelaziz met also the leader
of the Unio Democratica de Catalunya (UDC), Josep Antoni Duran
Lleida, vice President of the International Christian Democrat
parties.(La Vanguardia, Barcelona, El Periodico de
Catalunya, Barcelona)
Mr Youssoufi, Moroccan Prime Minister affirmed that the
referendum will take place in December 98 if the Polisario does not
hinder its implementation and if the MINURSO sticks to the required
neutrality. In an interview with the Russian newspaper
"NEZAVISSEMAYA-GAZETA" of 12.03.98 , he declared that the result of
the referendum will not change the sovereignity and intergrity of
Morocco, adding the Sahara is part of Morocco.
On February 24 hundred of individuals demonstrated in Lemseyed
(South Morocco) in favor of the self-determination of the Saharawi
people, burning the Moroccan flag and brandishing the SADR emblem.
Next day, during a similar demonstration, the police was brought in;
there were some persons hurt and a hundred arrested. The AFAPREDESA
gives the name of 22 arrested persons who disappeared and who are
supposed to be detained in the prison of Inezgane near Agadir. (
Communicado AFAPREDESA)
Asturias, Spain
The Asturian Coordination for support to the referendum has been
founded in December 1997, by political parties, trade unions, NGOs
and solidarity groups. On February 27, Saharawi national day, they
organized a seminar at the university of Oviedo.
Huelva, Spain
All solidarity groups, twinned municipalities, NGOs, trade unions and
political parties of this region in the south of Spain created a
Coordination for the support of the referendum.
Associazione Valdarnese di Solidarieta con il Popolo Saharawi,
Arezzo, Italy