Solidarity Days with the Sahrawi People
More than 630 individuals coming from Canarian Islands, Baleares,
Catalonia, Rioja, Switzerland and Italy visited for 4 days the
sahrawi refugee camps during Easter.
To manifest their solidarity the participants of those "Charters for
Peace" organised a silent walk together with the population of the
Wilaya of Auserd in order to protest against the occupation of
Western Sahara by Morocco.
The participants adopted then the "Declaration
of Auserd".
Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz in his welcome speach had repeated the
disponibility of the Sahrawis to dialogue and negociate with Morocco.
He asked the international community to make pressions upon Morocco
to stop the illegal occupation of Western Sahara and to respect
international law. To the european visitors the President said he
hopes that they could be active in their respective countries in
order to influence positively the peace process.
Interview of the Sahrawi President
Speaking about the Solidarity Days in the Algerian Radio and TV, the
Sahrawi President noticed that the approach of the Western Sahara
conflict is changing on the international level. The international
community understands the importance of peace and security in the
Maghreb region. It understands that this peace and security is linked
to a fair solution of the Western Sahara conflict, which is a problem
of decolonisation. Many governments are convinced of the necessity of
direct negociations between the two parties. But Morocco still
refuses. The Moroccan governement has no political will to find a
fair and definitive solution to the problem.
Communique (french) of the Swiss Committee
of support to the Sahrawi people
About 100 Swiss members of the "Charter for peace" turning back from
their 5 days visit in the refugee camps ask the Swiss population to
boykott Moroccan goods and to renounce to holidays in this country
untill Morocco allows a fair and free referendum in Western
52th session of the Human Rights Committee of the U.N.
Item 8: Forced or unvolontary Disappearances
The " Observatoire international des prisons", OIP, presented the
situation in Morocco about forced disappearances. It denounced this
large and systematic practice. It notices with bitterness that no
informations have been given about the destiny of the different
groups of disappeared already evoked 2 years ago at the same
Committee, especially about several hundred disappeared Sahrawi
civilians, men and women, some of them disappeared since 20
German parliamentary delegation tours Morocco and Western
Sahara on fact-finding mission
A delegation of the German Parliament (Bundestag) reached Rabat on
April 9. Its composition: President E. Brecht, from the Socialist
Party, President of the Committee of relations with UN and
International Organisations of the German Parliament, and 7 deputies,
representing all political parties of the government coalition and of
the opposition.
This delegation was set up after the vote, on February 29, in the
Parliament, of a motion concerning Western Sahara, which askes the
German Government to insist to the two concerned parties to realise
without delay the UN peace plan.
The delegation met the Moroccan Prime Minister and Minister of
Foreign Affairs Filali, then it reached El Ayun to contact the heads
In a press release at El Ayun, Mr. E. Brecht declared that the
delegation seeks for some compromise to reach peace. One of those
compromises could be, accordind to Mr. Brecht, " to realise possible
contacts between Morocco and the Polisario".
The delegation went to the refugee camps near Tindouf on April