
of the

Permanent Representative of Algeria to the United Nations

addressed on December 7, 1995

to the

President of the Security Council, H. E. Mr. Sergey LAVROV

Mr. President,
Upon instructions from my Government I have the honour to refer to the draft resolution on the situation concerning Western Sahara presented today to the Security Council by four co-sponsors, and to convey to you the following points:

  1. Algeria cannot and will not accept operative paragraphs 2 and 3 of the draft resolution.
  2. Algeria would go public with its rejection of these two paragraphs, in solidarity with the legitimate and well-founded position of the Frente Polisario, if they were to be adopted.
  3. Algeria will not be able to extend its political or material support to MINURSO while it would be attempting to implement its new mandate without the consent and participation of the Frente Polisario. In its capacity as an official Observer of the Settlement Plan implementation process, Algeria would not grant any validity to the results of an identification process that would be carried out without the participation of the Frente Polisario.
  4. Algeria calls on all Members of the Security Council that are genuinely committed to a free and fair referendum of self-determination for the People of Western Sahara to oppose operative paragraphs 2 and 3 of the draft resolution. Algeria takes note with appreciation and fully supports the OAU Secretary-General's view according to which the Panafrican Organisation could not participate in the identification process in the absence of one of the two Parties to the process.

I kindly request you to share the contents of this letter with all Membrers of the Security Council.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you, Mr. Presdient, the assurances of my highest consideration.
sig.: Ambassador R. Lamamra, Permanent Representative of Algeria to the United Nations.

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