Mr President,
I have the honour to inform you that I received a communication from H.E. Dr Salim Ahmed Salim, Secretary General of the Organisation of African Unity, regarding the new proposal of the United Nations Secretary General on the identification process in Western Sahara.
H.E. Dr Salim Ahmed Salim expressed his concern especially at any step which would have the effect of undermining the referendum process, emphasizing that the OAU is fully committed to support the UN Settlement Plan for Western Sahara and is committed to a genuine referendum for the people of Western Sahara which will usher in peace, security and stability in the region.
He recalled that in his discussion in New York last October with the United Nations Secretary General, the latter referred to what he had termed as the simplification of the identification process. In reply, Dr Salim said that as far as the OAU is concerned, any solution which is agreeable to both parties or at least not objected by any of them is acceptable to the Organisation of African Unity.
He added that it would be very difficult for the OAU to continue to be involved in an identification process which is objected to by one of the parties. With this background and given the strong position articulated by both parties, it is evident that the UN Security Council needs to approach this issue with circumspection and should be endeaver to find a solution wich would advance the implementation of the Settlement Plan for Western Sahara. It should also avoid any action that would have the opposite effect. I would appreciate it if these considerations could brought to the attention of other members of the Security Council and be taken into consideration during the current consultation.
Please accept Mr President, the assurance of my highest consideration
Sig. : Ibrahim Sy, Ambassador, Permanent Observer of the OAU to
the United Nations