Western Sahara Campaign Gran Bretaña

Acción urgente

Mrs Hillary Clinton en visita a Marruecos


Con ocasión del "Día del Trono" del rey Hassan II, fue anunciado en un mensaje del presidente de los EEUU que Mrs Hillary Clinton va a visitar el Reino de Marruecos en breve. La Western Sahara Campaign (ONG de solidaridad con el pueblo saharaui de Gran Bretaña apremia a todos aquellos comprometidos con la liberación del Sahara Occidental de la ocupación marroquí - y con los derechos humanos fundamentales - a escribir inmediatamente a Mrs Clinton.
Ofrecemos una carta en borrador para que la uses. Se puede enviar por fax a la Casa Blanca o por correo aereo, o e-mail a traves la dirección:

Es importante que pongas tu propio nombre y dirección en la carta, la feches y firmes. También podrías llegar más lejos y enviar una copia por fax a la Embajada de los EEUU en Marruecos. El embajador estadounidense es Edward Gabriel, Fax: +212-7-750-863, y su direccón de correo electrónico iorabat@usia.gov

Carta de ejemplo

The Honourable Hillary Rodham Clinton
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Fax: 00 1 202 456 2461


Dear Mrs Clinton,

Morocco and Western Sahara

It is with deep concern that I learn of your imminent trip to the Kingdom of Morocco.
You are, of course, aware that Morocco invaded Western Sahara in 1975, forcing tens of thousands of the inhabitants of the territory to flee their homes and seek refuge in neighbouring Algeria.
Thousands more Saharawis suffer arbitrary arrest, torture and extra-judicial killing at the hands of over 100,000 Moroccan troops now occupying Western Sahara. The U.S. State Department, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch, and other bodies, have widely reported on these crimes. Today over 500 Saharawis remain unaccounted for.
Eight years ago Morocco agreed to a United Nations brokered settlement plan, designed to bring about a just and lasting solution to the conflict which involved the Moroccan army and the POLISARIO Front.
The settlement plan calls, inter alia, for a free, fair and transparent referendum for the people of Western Sahara. Unfortunately what was regarded to be a six month referendum process has now gone into its eighth year and it will go on and on unless Moroco is told enough is enough, the time has come for a just and durable solution in Western Sahara.
Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary General has, on many occasions, highlighted the Moroccan violations of the settlement plan and underlined the lack of co-operation of Morocco with the UN.
As I write this letter to you, the peace process in Western Sahara is about to collapse, once again, because Morocco has failed to accept the latest UN proposals, presented to the parties by Kofi Annan last November.
I do believe, Madam, that your visit could be a great opportunity to raise these matters with the Moroccan highest authorities and to urge them to put an end to their colonial and anachronistic occupation of Western Sahara. Otherwise, this visit may be seen by many as an encouragement to Morocco to continue its wrongdoings, and as a green light for more human rights abuses, more atrocities, and more rebellion by Morocco against the UN Security Council resolutions.

With highest considerations,

Yours sincerely,


Western Sahara Campaign UK, Oxford Chambers, Oxford Street, Leeds, LS1 3AX, 100427.3223@CompuServe.COM

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