Security Council
19 December 1994
1. Pursuant to paragraph 18 of my report of 14 December 1994
(S/1994/1420), I wish to inform the Security Council that the
estimated cost of the further expansion of the Identification
Commission of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in
Western Sahara (MINURSO) for the period from 1 January to
15 August 1995 would be approximately $18.1 million. The
staffing of the Mission would provide for an additional 105
civilian police monitors, 124 international staff, 35 locally
recruited staff as well as 12 observers from the Organization
of African Unity (OAU). A breakdown of the estimated cost by
main categories of expenditure is provided for information
purposes in the annex to the present addendum.
2. It would be my recommendation to the General Assembly,
should the Security Council approve the expansion of MINURSO,
that the additional costs relating thereto be considered an
expense of the Organization to be borne by Member States in
accordance with Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter of the
United Nations and that the assessments to be levied on Member
States be credited to the MINURSO special account.
94-50806 (E) 191294 /...
Cost estimates for the expansion of the Identification
for the period from 1 January to 15 August 1995
(Thousands of United States dollars)
1. Military personnel costs 17.6
2. Civilian personnel costs 9 836.0
3. Premises/accommodation 572.3
4. Infrastructure repairs -
5. Transport operations 2 572.3
6. Air operations 928.3
7. Naval operations -
8. Communications 1 442.1
9. Other equipment 731.1
10. Supplies and services 115.5
11. Election-related supplies and services -
12. Public information programmes -
13. Training programmes -
14. Mine-clearing programmes -
15. Assistance for disarmament and demobilization -
16. Air and surface freight 10.0
17. Integrated Management Information System -
18. Support account for peace-keeping operations 836.0
19. Staff assessment 1 059.9
Total 18 121.1