30 May 1995
1. The President of the Security Council wishes to refer to
resolution 995 (1995), adopted by the Security Council at its 3540th
meeting, held on 26 May 1995, in connection with the item entitled
"The situation concerning Western Sahara".
2. In paragraph 4 of the resolution, the Security Council decided,
with a view to accelerating the implementation of the Settlement
Plan, to send a mission of the Council to the region.
3. Following consultations, the members of the Council have agreed
that the mission will depart from New York on 3 June 1995, for a
duration of approximately six days, and that it will be composed of
the following six members of the Council: Argentina, B otswana,
France, Honduras, Oman and the United States of America.
4. The members of the Council also agreed that the mission's terms of
reference would be as follows:
- To impress upon the parties the necessity of cooperating fully with
MINURSO in the implementation of all aspects of the Settlement Plan
and to underline the fact that any further delay would put the whole
future of the mission at risk.
- To assess progress and identify problems in the identification
process, bearing in mind the deadline for the referendum of January
- To identify problems in other areas relevant to the fulfilment of
the Settlement Plan (including the reduction of Moroccan troops, the
confinement of Polisario troops, the release of political prisoners
and detainees, the exchange of prisoners of w ar and the return of
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