Collectif des Défenseurs Sahraouis des droits
de l'homme
El Aaiun / Sahara Occidental
The CODESA Secretariat,
El Aaiun, Western Saahara,
August 04, 2007.
The harassment of an Italian judge in company with his family in El
Aaiun, Western Sahara by the Moroccan authorities.
On August 3, 2007, at about 20:30 the Moroccan police stopped the
Italian judge, Nicolas Quatrano, 55 years old, who had rented a
bungalow for his family in Foum Eloued beach, 25 kilometers west of El
Aaiun, Western Sahara.
The judge was stopped by the police
in a check-point, about 8
kilometers far from El Aaiun, where his car "Dacia Logan" was
confiscated. The car had been rented from an agency in Agadir, south of
Morocco in a legal way.
The judge, Nicolas Quatrano, his wife, Annamaria, his two sons, Valerio
and Daniele, and the family friend, Giulia Lippi, were all left in the
check-point in complete fear and anger.
Since the confiscation of his car, the Italian judge, Nicolas Quatrano
is still looking for his car and for logical reasons for this
treatment. Up to now, and despite the intervention of the Italian
embassy in Rabat, and his frequent go and come to the principal police
center in El Aaiun, he could not yet get his car and its documents.
In a telephone call with the CODESA, Mr. Nicolas Quatrano expressed his
astonishment to the way the Moroccan police are treating him. He is
also unconvinced by the evidence they give concerning the confiscation
of his car and the documents.
On the way from Agadir to El Aaiun, about 650 kilometers no single
checkpoint mentioned the illegality of these papers.
The CODESA secretariat fears that the real reason behind this
harassment is his attendance to the trial of the Sahrawi students in
Marrakech, Morocco on August 02, 2007, and his interest in the
violations of human rights perpetrated by the Moroccan authorities in
the Western Sahara.
The CODESA also notifies that this is not the first time the Moroccan
authorities ill-treats European visitors to the Western Sahara,
delegations, human rights activists, journalists, etc.
On July 04, 2005, the Moroccan police forced the president of the
Norwegian Rafto Foundation for human rights and the spokesman of the
Norwegian Support Committee for the Western Sahara and other trade
union members to leave the Western Sahara towards their countries.
Mr. Nicolas Quatrano was born in 1952, an is still practicing his job
as a judge in Napoli, Italy.
Intimidations à l'encontre d'un juge italien.
juge italien Nicola Quatrano, qui passait des vacances en famille au
Sahara Occidental et se rendait à Foum el Oued ( plage d'El
Ayoun) où il avait loué un bungalow, a été
interpellé à 8 km d'El Ayoun. Sa voiture louée
à Agadir, a été confisquée par la police
sous prétexte d'une irrégularité dans les
papiers de location. Le magistrat, son épouse, ses 2 enfants et
une amie ont été abandonnés sur place en dehors de
la ville, sans moyens de locomotion.
Quatrano qui est engagé dans la défense des droits
humains, avait assisté le 2 août à Marrakech
au procès des étudiants sahraouis. Il a par le
passé assisté à plusieurs procès de
prisonniers politiques sahraouis comme observateur. (Quatrano est
président de l'Osservatorio
internazionale , l'auteur d'un rapport
sur le procès de Naama Asfari à Smara le 15 janvier
voir aussi son Interview dans
Liberté, 06.08.06 voir aussi: ASVDH,
sequestrata a gip italiano in Marocco, Corriere della sera,
Il magistrato lasciato a piedi per la strada dopo che la polizia gli ha
contestato una irregolarità amministrativa nella vettura