«Whether Driss Basri is dismissed or not, that is a detail for
us. That is not the change that we are waiting for. We are expecting
the new king of Morocco to show that he wants peace, and that he
wants to put an end to the Moroccan expansionist policy it has been
pursuing until now against our country», the Saharawi Minister
of Foreign Affairs, M. Ould Salek, pointed out. (El Watan).
Spain, Canary Islands
Illegal immigration coming from Southern Morocco and from Western
Sahara is growing with 450 arrivals in Fuerteventura in the month of
October alone. Investigating in Tarfaya (Southern Morocco), a Spanish
journalist revealed that among the immigrants there are a number of
Saharawis close to the Polisario Front, such as the two sisters of
the Saharawi Minister of Foreign Affairs. They had been imprisoned
for 17 years in Morocco, with their parents, only because of their
relationship to the Saharawi minister. (El Mundo).
Other journalists investigating on the ground uncovered the workings
of a real traffic in illegal immigration. The majority of the
would-be immigrants meet in Beni Mellal, a hundred kilometres from
Marrakech, from there they are taken by bus to El Ayoun. Accommodated
in hotels, they are then directed to the embarkation points at Sidi
Ifni, Ouad Amma Fatma, 100 km to the south of Tan-Tan, Amgraw, 25 km
to the north of El Ayoun port or La Palangana, 25 km south of El
Ayoun. In Fuerteventura they are given the documents they need to get
into Europe. (El
A manifesto of solidarity with the victims of the repression in El
Ayoun, demanding a commission of inquiry and reaffirming their
support of the UN Peace Plan was published by six German NGOs: Terre
des Hommes Germany, Medico international, Kritische Oekologie
(Critical Ecology), Gemeinschaft für Menschenrechte im Freistaat
Sachsen (Association for Human Rights in Freestate Saxony), die
Falken (Falcons) and the Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker
(Society for threatened Peoples). Similar appeals were addressed to
Mr Kofi Annan and to the German Minister for Foreign Affairs by
several German parliamentarians and well-known public figures.
Anniversary of the Madrid Accords
About fifty members of the Association of Friends of the Saharawi
People in León met in León to protest about the new
delay in the referendum in Western Sahara. About twenty people did
the same in Valencia..
Confrontations in Tan-Tan
Demonstrations for the right to work and dignity degenerated into
confrontations with the police, causing considerable material damage.
This city in Southern Morocco, including a large Saharawi population,
is the scene of repeated demonstrations following the example of
those in El Ayoun. Discontent is particularly keen following unkept
promises after the visit on 3 November of a ministerial delegation,
during which Basri was set aside.
15 & 17.11.99
On 15 November, the court in El Ayoun sentenced 23 Saharawi
demonstrators arrested during the events of 22-23 September last in
El Ayoun. Several relatives of the accused and hundreds of
sympathisers were prevented from being present at the hearing by
police forces who formed a security cordon around the court building.
Two days later 23 other people, arrested in October, appeared before
the court. Twelve sentences of eighteen months in secure prison were
handed down, while three further people received three year suspended
sentences. (SPS).
Fall of Basri (continued)
The investigation concerning the fire in the DST brought to light
that the accounts destroyed would have proved the systematic
misappropriation, over 20 years, of more than a half of the annual
budget of the DST (Moroccan counter-espionage). An investigation is
also under way on the misappropriation of funds destined for the
Sahara, of which only a part ever reached the intended recipients.
The rest had been used either for buying off notable Saharawis or had
disappeared into the pockets of corrupt civil servants.
A list of about thirty people has been issued to Moroccan border
posts, in order to prevent them from leaving the country. Among them
the names of Mahmoud Archane, ex-police superintendant known as a
torturer, an MP and president of the MDS Party, Fayçal
Elmeziani, governor of Boujdour (Western Sahara) and Mohamed Azmi,
ex-coordinator with MINURSO are to be noted.
Further, the directors of the official agency MAP and the first TV
station, TVM, have been dismissed.
A complaint has been lodged against the recently sacked Minister of
the Interior in the Belgian courts by a Moroccan of Belgian
nationality, held and tortured in Morocco by the DST in 1984.
The body of a Saharawi citizen, Yahdhih Ould Sreissir, reported
missing for over a month, was found on Thursday, 4 November, in the
region of Kdeyat Sbaa, between Guelta Zemmour and Boucraa. The
deceased had had his throat cut. The SPS, which reported this
information, indicated that the victim had had a dispute several days
before his disappearance with the commanding colonel of the 59th
Battalion of the Moroccan Army, stationed in the region of Guelta
Zemmour, following the theft of part of his herd of camels by the
colonel. (SPS).
Occupied Territories
The Saharawi agency SPS, quoting reliable sources, announced that a
colony of Moroccan settlers to the south of Dakhla, consisting of
70,000 fishermen, wishes to settle permanently. These settlers, who
have already been there for several years could stay within the
infrastructures put in place in the region "to receive the refugees
during the referendum".
Meanwhile the campaign of forced conscription of young Saharawis into
the Moroccan army in Western Sahara and Southern Morocco carries on.
The figure of over 500 young people from El Ayoun and Dakhla alone is
Representatives from Associations of solidarity with the Saharawi
People from various regions of Spain entered the UN Information
Centre in Madrid to hand to the official in charge a
communiqué, in which they denounce the repression suffered by
the Saharawi population in the occupied territories, as well as the
obstacles to the Peace plan raised by Morocco. Referring to the
precedent in East Timor, they call on the United Nations and the
international community to give proof of a firm and decisive
attitude. The demonstrators chained themselves to the spot until they
had been able to give their message to the official in charge, who
promised to hand it on to the Secretary General.
This high profile action signals the beginning of a national campaign
for the referendum of self-determination, to demand of the UN the
implementation of the Peace Plan according to the timetable and in
the best conditions. Hunger strikes started on 19.11.99 in Andalusia
and in the Basque country. Lasting for three days, they will link up
following a precise timetable throughout all the autonomous regions
of Spain. Public personalities, parliamentarians and many militants
for the Saharawi cause have announced their participation. The action
will culminate with a joint hunger strike in Madrid on 11.12.99, some
days before the Security Council decides on the future of the Peace
Some hundred Saharawi students from Rabat, Casablanca, Agadir,
Fès, Tétouan, Marrakech joined by formed prisoners of
Tazmamart and Kalaat M'Gouna manifestated in Rabat against the speedy
trialss and repression in the occupied territories. Their protest
march through the city concluded with a sit-in before the Ministry of
Justice. There is also another protest going on at Assa since 4 days
with the same goals. The saharawi inhabitants of Zak manifested their
solidarity with the protesters of Rabat and Assa. (SPS)
The UN Assistant High Commissioner for Refugees (HCR), Soren
Jessen-Petersen, is undertaking a tour of the region. He will go
first to Algiers, then to Tindouf and El Ayoun and will finish his
five-day trip in Rabat. He will meet officials of the Polisario Front
and Algerian and Moroccan ministers.
The Grenada Association of Friends of the Sahara is offering eight
greeting cards illustrated with photos by Luis Bonete, proceeds will
go to humanitarian aid for the Saharawi people. For further details:
The Swiss Committee of Support for the Saharawi People also has a
series of 6 postcards costing 500 ptas or FS 5. Further details from:
baesch@giub.unibe.ch or stefanie.gass.1@sm-philhist.unibe.ch
12.11.99, Lorquí, Murcia: The Associations of Friends of the Saharawi People of Molina de Segura and of Lorquí organised an exhibition of Saharawi arts and crafts.
13.11.99, Melilla: The Youth of the Melilla People's Union have collected food and health products for the Saharawi refugees.
13.11.99, Armentia, Alava, Basque country: the Basque caravan consisting of 12 all-terrain vehicles, an ambulance, four buses, two water tankers, a mobile workshop carrying a radio studio and 1300 pairs of shoes set off for the Saharawi refugee camps. It will join up with other convoys of the same type in Alicante to travel on to Oran.
"Quote of the week: "Mr. Basri's sacking was more significant than an ordinary settling of scores between the old guard and the new. Even so, important questions remain. Does the minister's demise herald a transition towards a liberal democracy - or will it merely give the makhzen a facelift? The answer, probably, lies somewhere in between. " The Economist, London, 13.11.99." |
INTERNET : NEW on the WSC UK webpage
The 25th European Conference on Co-ordination of Support for the Saharawi People, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria , Including the text of the Final Resolution
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