Preparing the referendum
The Moroccan Interior Minister Driss Basri meet in Rabat with the
chioukhs and governors of the occupied Western Sahara, Moroccan
members of the identification committee and Moroccan observers at the
MINURSO. The Chioukhs continued their work in groups untill November
21 (EFE). According to MAP the meeting was held to examine the
Houston agreements about the first step concerning voter
identification. Driss Basri would have repeated the determination of
Morocco to respect the letter and the spirit of the U.N. peace plan
and the agreements signed in Houston.
Security Council
The Security Council examined the Secretary General's report on
Western Sahara, without vote.
Mr Robert Francis Kinloch (UK) is the new Chairman of the
Identification Commission of the MINURSO and Mr Peter J. Miller
(Canada) the new Police Commissioner of the civil police (CIVPOL). Mr
Kinloch was responsible of human ressources at the UNDP, Mr Miller
former member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
MINURSO: the costs
Mr Kofi Annan estimes in an addendum to his last report that the
extension of the mandate and the increase of the MINURSO staff will
cost about 129 millions US$.
Sweden: Condemnation of a spy confirmed
A Moroccan living in Sweden since 30 years was sentenced to 8 months
imprisonment for espionage in Gothenburg on 13 November. This means
that the sentence from the Superior Court is the same as from the
District Court. The Moroccan has claimed that he is involved in
registration of Moroccans in Scandinavia for the referendum in
Western Sahara. (see also week 43)
Volo speciale per la RASD, 3-8 janvier 1998, Associazione nazionale di solidarieta con il popolo saharawi (informazioni e prenotazioni: Ass. Ban Slout Larbi, Via Risorgimento, 61, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, tel. 055/4510030). Costo per privati: Lire 1'000'000.-
EXHIBITION, Switzerland: Vernissage jeudi 11 dÈcembre 1997, dËs 17 h., ý l'HÙtel de Ville de Vevey, rue du Lac 2, en prÈsence d'un reprÈsentant du Front Polisario, de l'exposition organisÈe par le groupe vaudois du ComitÈ suisse de soutien au peuple sahraoui: "Les Sahraouis, peuple oubliÈ du dÈsert", photographies de Marc-Albert Braillard, Gilles Boss et Miriam Perregaux.
AsociaciÛn de Amistad y Solidaridad con el Pueblo Saharaui
"MAR MENOR" Murcia, Espagne: