End illegal occupation of Western Sahara, urges South African
MP (24.04.97)
South Africa should do all it could to end Morocco's illegal
occupation of the Western Sahara, chairman of the foreign affairs
committee Raymond Suttner said. The question of Western Sahara
remained a blot on the map of Africa, he said in debate on the
foreign affairs budget vote. It was important for South Africa to
move towards implementing President Nelson Mandela's mid-1995
commitment to extend diplomatic relations to the Saharan Arab
Democratic Republic. "We need, in line with out commitment to
self-determination, to convince the Moroccans to vacate the area," he
said. South Africa had to be seen to ally itself with the poorest of
the poor and, in international relations, with those people
struggling for self determination. There were limitations on what it
could do about situations far from its borders. But what it could do
was vote in line with its constitutional principles when the
situation arose (ANC Daily News Briefing).
Conference of the UN Special Committee on Decolonization
In the frame of the Decade of Eradication of Colonialism the UN
Special Committee on Decolonization organized a conference at Antigua
and Barbuda. The Polisario was present by its permanent
representative in the USA, Mulud Said, who made a statement. The
conference adopted a declaration concerning Western Sahara, in which
it affirms that the Special Committee has to observe closely the
implementation of a fair and free self determination referendum for
the Sahrawi people.
Solidarity (24.05.97)
A manifestation named "Six Hours For Western Sahara" took place at
Brussel with the presentation of a film, a foto exhibition and
political debates, in presence of a numerous public.
Reform of the judicial system
The president of the Supreme Court, judge Ahmed Sid Ali, has sworned
the clerks, the advocates and the experts of the SADR courts. The
ceremony took place with the presence of the Minister of Justice Mr.
Hammati Rabbani, Mr. Mustapha Ali Sidi El Bachir, member of the
National Council and wali of Awsserd, Mr. Hamada Salam Daf, president
of the Council of Jurisprudence, and other personalities.
Morocco-Italian Interparlamentary group
An interparlamentary group with about 130 Italian deputees was
founded at Rome in order to develop the friendly relationship with
Moroccan people and the exchange of informations about political,
social, economical and cultural matters between the two
Mr Hammad Ali Hamad, Sahrawi citizen born in El Ayun in the sixties,
was arrested in the night of May 26th at El Ayun by Moroccan police
and disappeared (AFAPREDESA).