Congress of Sahrawi Youth Organisation
The Fourth Congress of UJSARIO, the Sahrawi Youth Organisation,
dedicated to the memory of the martyrs, adopted u.o. some
recommandations like these: to mobilise the youth for the struggle
for independance, to reinforce the contacts with the Sahrawi students
all over the world and help them to resolve their problems, to give
particuliar attention to the place of women in the society and within
the Youth Organisation, to create a Scout organisation, to take
permanent contacts with the youth in the territories occupied by
Morocco. The Congress received numerous solidarity messages. It
exprimed its solidarity with the peoples of Palestine, Eastern Timor,
Cuba and Libya.
Declaration of the President of SADR
The Polisario Front cannot give any additional concessions to
facilitate the task or cooperate with the UN mission. This statement
was made by the Sahrawi president Mohamed Abdelaziz. In an exclusive
press interview to the Algerian news agency (APS), he said the
current situation and the cease-fire in the Western Sahara were only
in the interest of the Moroccan side. In the same interview, Mr
Abdelaziz stressed the need to implement the UN plan on the
referendum on the Sahrawi people's selfdetermination, and to
intensify political contacts to find a negotiated solution between
the Sahrawi and Moroccan sides, with the aim of reaching a settlement
which respects the rights of the Sahrawi people.
Meetings between Morocco and Polisario
Three leaders of the Polisario arrived on 15th October in El Ayoun
aboard a UN plane. The delegation made up of Bachir Mustapha Sayed,
Mahfoud Ali Beida and Ibrahim Ghali continued next day its trip to
Rabat, where they have to meet Moroccan officials. This visit was
neither confirmed nor denied by Morocco. It is the sixth in the last
few weeks. Nothing is known about the content of the discussions
In a communique published in Alger by APS, the Polisario denied the
trip. but exprimed its "disponibility to every serious and
constructive dialogue with Morocco in order to reach a fair solution
to the Western Sahara conflict, in accordance with the UN peace plan"
UMA summit
Algeria proposed to receive a UMA summit on November 15th. Morocco is
invited an seems to have given its o.k. (AFP)
Liberations of Sahrawi POWs
Morocco should liberate soon 47 Sahrawi POWs under the control of the
ICRC, family members of the prisoners announced in El Ayoun.
According to those families, the 47 prisoners are jailed at Agadir.
Among them: Mohamed Ould Dahbi, Demba Ould Aita (two military
commanders) and Souaid Brahim Ould Zine (governor). The prisoners
themselves have announced to their parents that they have no longer
to go to Agadir (650 km from El Ayoun) to visit them. But the exact
days of liberation is not known neither the destination of the
liberated prisoners. Nothing is known about an eventual liberation of
Moroccan POWs by the Polisario (AFP).
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