WEEK 30, 22-28. July 1996


  • Illegal detention
    Holiday in Europe for 6000 Sahrawi children
    UN: session of the 4th Committee (Decolonization)
    Secret meeting

    International festival of IUSY in Germany

  • 20.07.96
    Illegal detention

    According to informations of the AFAPREDESA, eight Sahrawi prisoners of conscience, who should be liberated after the end of their punishment in May 14th, are still jailed in the prison of Sale (Morocco). They are:

    1. Ahmed EL KOURI
    2. Nebt Ramdane BOUCHRAYA
    3. Arbi Brahim BABA
    4. Cheykhatou BOUH
    5. M'Rabih Rabou NEYSAN
    6. Abdelhay LEKHAL
    7. Mahfoud Brahim DAHOU
    8. Salama Ahmed LEMBARKI

    The AFAPREDESA (Association of families of prisoners and disappeared Sahrawis) remembers that these young people were arrested after peacefull manifestations in El Ayoun on May 11th 1995. After a trial before the military court of Rabat in June 1995, they were condemned to sentences of 15 to 20 years of jail. On July 8th 1995 King Hassan II announced the commutation of the penalties to one year of prison. The AFAPREDESA considers this detention as illegal. It condemns forcefully this violation of human rights and appeals to the international community to call for immediate and unconditionnal release of these eight young Sahrawis.

    Holiday in Europe for 6000 Sahrawi children

    Traditionnally the european solidarity groups invite every summer Sahrawi children to spend some weeks in different European countries.

    UN: session of the 4th Committee (Decolonization)

    The Committee heared 2 reports on Western Sahara. The Vice-President of the International Liberal Union, Fernando Garcia, Spain, explained the last resolution of the Congress of his organisation, asking UN to organize the self-determination referendum. Garcia declared his country "is indebted to this colony, illegaly transmitted to a third party at a particularly difficult time of our history." In his intervention the representative of the Polisario Front declared his organisation "has proves of secret interventions of some countries to help Morocco in hindering the diplomatic advances of the Sahrawi cause". Mr. Boukhari affirmed also: "the obligingness of UN in front of the Moroccan intransigence allowed the violation of the peace plan and the introduction of electoral criterias in favor of Morocco. (...) If, to the obligingness of those in charge of the implementation of the UN mandate, comes their partiality, we understand why under the actual conditions a fair and free referendum cannot take place.(...) The UN members have to take decisions," concluded Mr. Boukhari.


    Benou Mohamed Sidi El Mustapha, former political prisoner, condemned on July 29 1993 to 20 years of jail, has written to us: "I joined my family and friends in the refugee camps (....) to end the hunt down by police I was subjected since my so-called liberation on first of May 1996 (...). I sincerely thanks from my heart of hearts all individuals and organisations for their efforts to impose the respect of human rights in Western Sahara and Morocco...".

    Secret meeting

    According to a dispatch from a Middle Eastern agency, forwarded by EFE, denied by UN officials, the Moroccan Minister of Interior Driss Basri and Polisario "number 2" Bachir Mustafa Sayed met somewhere. The two responsibles should have found an agreement about the resumption of the identification process.

    International festival of IUSY in Germany

    A numerous Sahrawi delegation participates in Bonn to the festival of the International Union of Socialist Youth. In workshops the Western Sahara question ws discussed, Sahrawi musicians and dancers gave a folcloric show. The UJSARIO regrets that, because of the absence of the Moroccan delegation of USFP youth, the dialog, initiated in Italy and Cyprus under the care of IUSY could not go on.

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