WEEK 29, 15-21. July 1996
Forgotten prisoners
Letter of the French Foreign Affairs Minister
Statement of Mr. Fadel Ismail, Polisario Representative in
New UN initiative ?
Manifestation in Lucca (Italy)

Forgotten prisoners
The special correspondent to Sahara from the Paris weekly newspaper Le Point,
Dominique Aubert, encountered a part of the Moroccan POWs in Polisario Front
hands and brings back some testimonies. He evoques also the return to Morocco
in November 1995 of the 185 POWs liberated by the Polisario, who were refused
until this moment by Morocco. Emilio Cardenas, UN ambassador of Argentina,
organized the trip. He should have become three propositions from producers
to make a picture. "I think we will accept, he says, only to break
down the wall of silence which condemned this people".
Letter of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs
In a response to a letter of AFASPA, a French NGO, about the Western Sahara
question, Mr. H. de Charette writes that "France has always affirmed
its will to see applicated the settlement plan agreed by the parties in
August 1988". "France, attached to the search of a just and durable
solution of the Western Sahara problem, is working in this way, at the Security
Council and with the parties, especially Morocco, which is near to us and
a friend. We call again our preoccupation about the removing of the obstacles
to the implementation of the peace plan, every time it's usefull".
Statement of Mr. Fadel Ismail, Polisario Representative in France
After the last speach of the king of Morocco, the Polisario Representative
aks: "Is it useful to make efforts and great expenses for the United
Nations in a long process, if Morocco doesnt recognize its validity ?!"
He adds that the king of Morocco is only willing to "perpetuate the
cease fire", even when he is misleading the public opinion, passing
himself off as the attacked: "We will resist and fight if we are attacked",
Hassan II said. "Who is breaking the cease fire ? Who is impeding the
implementation of the referendum process, trying to introduce in the Sahrawi
electoral body hundreds of thousands of persons, strangers to Western Sahara
?" asks Fadel Ismail, who appeals "the international community
to take its responsibilities in front of this worrying attitude of the king
of Morocco, who declares openly that the peace plan is null and void."
New UN initiative ?
According to the Polisario Front's president, Mohamed Abdelaziz, only UN
action can now head off renewed fighting. "Morocco is blocking every
move. Morocco wants to transform the UN peace plan into nothing more than
a monitoring of the cease-fire. I have had a meeting with the UN secretary-general
in Yaounde and we spoke about the situation. He told me he was thinking
of launching a new initiative quite soon. We are awaiting the UN secretary-general's
next move. In any case, if it turns out that the Security Council and the
Secretary-general fail to assume their responsibilities and fail to enforce
observance by the Moroccan side of the UN peace plan for Western Sahara,
then the only course of action that remains for Sahrawis is to resume the
fight to defend their right to self-determination and independence"
(Radio France Internationale).
Manifestation in Lucca
Organized by Kalama, an Italian NGO of Solidarity with the Sahrawi People,
a manifestation took place on the walls of the ancient city of Lucca (Tuscany).
70 Sahrawi children, actually on holidays in Tuscany, participate to the
manifestation named "Paint peace". The children paint together
with children from Bielorussia and Lucca on the theme of peace. A member
of the parliament announced, at this occasion, the creation of a parlamentary
intergroup on the Sahrawi question.
Boutros-Ghali had briefings on Western Sahara with Security council members
behind closed doors
According to Jeune Afrique the relations between Mandela and Arafat are
worsening because of the declarations of the South African president about
Western Sahara. The two men should have carefully keep out of their way
at the OAU summit in Yaounde.
Mr. Erik Jensen, Western Sahara Special UN Representative, declared at Algier
that a new report about the situation in Western Sahara will be submitted
at the end of August to the Security council. Mr. Jensen, who had conversations
with Mr. Attaf, the Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs , said they evoked
"the evolution of the situation in Western Sahara and the problems
of the region". To the question about the resumption of the identification,
Mr. Jensen answered: "It is not yet the moment, but we have our archives,
our documents and all what we need to start again". About the last
declaration of King Hassan, who affirmed recently that "Western Sahara
belongs to Morocco", Mr. Jensen considers that this "engages only
his author".
- Sahara-Info, No 59, juin 1996, SUKS, PF. 8205, CH-3001 Berne, 8 p.
- Polisario-Maroc. Les oubliés de la guerre, Audibert Dominique,
Le Point, Paris, 06.07.1996, pp. 56-58
- Gespräche mit dem König, Haubrich Walter, Frankfurter Allgemeine,
D-Frankfurt, 15.07.96, at the occasion of the publication in german of "La
Mémoire d'un Roi", under the title "Hassan II. von Marokko:
Erinnerungen eines Königs", edition q, Berlin, 1996, 304 p.
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