WEEK 23, 03-09.06.1996

Prato (Tuscany, Italy)
The association Ban Slout Larbi presents a new book about the refugee camps with texts (in italian and english) from A. Rabbiosi and color prints from E.N. Ceccatelli. They announce also new city-twinnings in Tuscany where now about 50 towns are twinned with cities in Western Sahara.

In occasion of the visit of the German Chancelor H. Kohl, Hassan II, in an interwiew with german newspapers, lays the blame on the Ecologist Parties which support the resolution about Western Sahara and are always opposed to the pro-moroccan ones. The head of the German governement H. Kohl, on his side, declared Germany had always a neutral position and supports every equilibrated solution of the W.S. conflict, adding that Morocco takes an important place for the stability and security of the region.

The Ethiopian and the Algerian Ministers of Foreign Affairs, meeting at Algiers, ask the U.N. to do anything possible to bring Morocco and the Polisario Front to negociations.

The Spanish governement exprimes his concern about the deadlock of the peace process in W.S., asking for a rapid continuation of the U.N. work. The W.S. conflict will only find a solution by the selfdetermination of the Sahrawi people in an internationally controlled fair and free referendum, it added.

Ahmed Baba Miské, former ambassador of Mauretania, exprimes his personal opinion in the weekly newspaper Jeune Afrique. He appeals to a mediation of France and Mauretania, two countries with good relations with the both parts of the W.S. conflict.

Burkina Faso takes back its recognition of SADR.

The European Parliament ratifies the EU-Morocco agreement in spite of the opposition of the Ecologist and United Left Groups which denounced the violation of Human Rights by Morocco. Later, a resolution was adopted which charges the European Commisssion with monitoring the respect of human rights and producing a yearly report on human rights in this country. It also appeals the Moroccan authorities and the Polisario Front to "deepen" their direct dialogue in order to eliminate the obstacles existing in the settlement process of the self-determination referendum.

Solidarity Day with the disappeared Sahrawis
In many European countries manifestations take place to remember the 526 Sahrawis disappeared for years and to call Morocco to give information about their destiny.


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