Under item 7, the selfdetermination of people, the Committee
adopted a resolution about Western Sahara, reaffirming that the aim
is to organize a fair and free referendum for the Sahrawi people and
expressing its hope of direct talks between Morocco and
German parliamentary delegation about Western Sahara
As announced the delegation visited on 10.4. the Sahrawi refugee
camps where it met Polisario leaders. It also visited Moroccan POWs.
On 12.4. it was in El Ayoun. Before leaving for the Canarian Islands
the chief of delegation E. Brecht declared the necessity of a
trustfull climate between the two parties. If the peace plan results
in a winner and a looser it cannot succeed, he added.
The british newspaper The Guardian evokes in an analysis of the U.N.
peace-keeping missions and the election of a new Secretary general
the misjudgments of Mr. Boutros Ghali in Somalia, Western Sahara,
Rwanda and Angola. "In Western Sahara he has allowed the king of
Morocco to stall indefinitly a referendum on selfdetermination, and
turned the U.N.'s Mission MINURSO, into an open scandal."
Amnesty international: Human RightsViolations in Western
In his newest report, AI Index: MDE 29/04/96, the human rights
organisation declares: "Serious human rights violations have
continued to be committed by the Moroccan security forces in Western
Sahara, in violation of international human rights treaties ratified
by Morocco and despite the presence since 1991 of the United nations
Mission for the referendum in Western Sahara, MINURSO".
Arrests of suspected political opponents in W.S. have continued to be
widespread. Prolonged secret detention continues to be routine. AI
remains concerned that hundred of "disappeared" remain unaccounted
In its conclusions AI asks the U.N. to
take the necessary measures to ensure that the human rights
safeguards included in the Peace plan are respected, and that MINURSO
has full and free access to all parts of Wesrtern Sahara and to all