WEEKS 23 - 24 : 05.06.-18.06.2005

original french


The national Secretariat, meeting to examine recent events in the occupied zones of Western Sahara and in Morocco, "launches an urgent appeal to the Security Council to take the situation in hand by ensuring the protection of the Saharawi populations in distress and by working on the revival of the decolonization process.  [SPS]

The municipality of Saragossa calls for the implementation of the Baker Plan in Western Sahara.

The Popular Party (opposition) demands that the Spanish government send a Senate delegation to the Saharawi refugee camps to "oversee the results of Spanish humanitarian aid and express the support and solidarity of the Spanish Senate with the Saharawi people."

The Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Bernardino Léon Gros, arrives in the Saharawi Republic.
Mohamed Abdelaziz receives the Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Bernardino Léon Gros.
Talks lasted two hours and concerned the "historic and moral responsibility of Spain in the decolonization of Western Sahara, which will only take place when the Saharawi people have decided freely on its future through a referendum of self-determination", declares M'Hamed Khadad. Léon declares to the press that "Spain is very concerned because of the situation in the Saharawi territory" and calls "all the parties to be calm, in order to seek a political solution". Léon is expected on 8 June in Rabat after a journey which took him to Algeria, SADR and Mauritania.

In an interview on Spanish radio's Onda Cero, Léon indicates that his government insists on the appointment of a new special representative of the UN Secretary General and will "ask for an objective and truthful report from MINURSO" on the confrontations in the month of May this year. The Spanish government asks Morocco, "with firmness and in friendship", "to act with transparency" so that the "media and parliamentarians can visit the zone" in complete freedom. Morocco apparently would accept the visit of a parliamentary delegation bringing together all political groups. Speaking of the expulsion of a delegation of Spanish elected members from Morocco, Léon simply says "it doesn't seem to us to be good..."

Mhamed Khadad, member of the National Secretariat and Lamine Yahiaoui, representative for the Nordic countries, take part in the congress of the Finnish Social-Democratic party in Jyväskylä. Khadad is received by the new president of the party, Mr Eero Heinaluoma and by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Erkki Tuomioja. He had talks in Helsinki with the chairs of the committee for human rights and the Maghreb and met members of the Finnish group of solidarity with the Saharawi people. Khadad grants an interview to the Finnish press agency (STT), taken up by seven national and regional papers. Lamine Yahiaoui is received on 15 June in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Estonia.

The Saharawi president expresses his "strong condemnation and [his] total rejection" of the attack carried out against a Mauritanian military garrison in Lemgheity, which he calls "an odious terrorist act". He imparts to the Mauritanian president his "deep solidarity with the government and the people of Mauritania". According to official sources, a Mauritanian army unit at Lemgheyti (630 km north east of Zouerat) was attacked on Saturday 4 June 2005 at 3.15 am by a group close to the GSPC.
Military manoeuvres named «Flint-Lock 2005», in which 300 American military personnel are participating, are taking place from 7 to 26 June in the Sahel-Sahara region. They involve eight countries: Chad, Niger, Algeria, Mali, Senegal, Mauritania, Tunisia and Morocco. This operation mobilises large-scale logistical and financial resources and aims to prevent "terrorism" from taking root in Africa.[


Popular demonstrations which started on 21 May, have continued in El Ayoun and Dakhla. Police control has become more marked, with brutal arrests, torture, intimidations and beatings up of demonstrators. A new aspect, police do not hesitate to attack human rights defenders directly. Despite the media blockade put in place by Morocco and the turning back of two delegations of Spanish parliamentarians, news is circulating and some reports have been published:[Le Nouvel Observateur , 06.06.05 - AFP , 09.06.05 en Sahara-Info - Tel Quel No 179 ]
[El Periodico, 01.06.05 :
en PDF - ABC, 02.06.06 en Sahara- Info - La Vanguardia, 04.06.05 - ABC, 13.06.05 en Sahara-Info - El Periodico, 13.06.05 - El Pais, 12.06.05 ]

The events in Western Sahara continue to give rise to a widespread response not only in Spain, but also in France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany etc. MINURSO is preparing a report. The United Nations Secretary General, Kofi Annan raised the question of Western Sahara in Paris on 14 June with the French President Jacque Chirac.

The Saharawi President sent another letter to the Security Council, he wrote to the Presidents of the African Union and its Commission as well as to the European Union. Interventions at various levels (regional Spanish parliaments, political and parliamentary parties of various countries, solidarity associations, political officials, popular demonstrations in Spain, Italy, France, etc) ask for the end of the repression, respect for human rights and access to the territory.  The Spanish government remains ambiguous, it proclaims its desire to mediate and multiplies diplomatic initiatives, but adopts a very conciliatory attitude towards Morocco.

Rabat, on the defensive, cancels the visit of the Algerian Prime Minister to Morocco, declaring that this  "proves, for the moment, to be inopportune".
In Western Sahara, the governor of Smara puts pressure on the shioukh from all the tribes to condemn the demonstrations.

In Morocco, the signatories of a "Citizen's Appeal" targeted at public opinion, underline the necessity of opposing those who would "attack the democratic process in Morocco" among them the Saharawi independence movement. The Moroccan socialist youth creates a civil network for the defense of territorial integrity. Demonstrations are organised outside Algerian embassies in Spain and France.

It being impossible to report all the events relating to the resistance in the occupied territories, we attempt to offer a chronology, inevitably incomplete. [>>see also the special page posted in French, English and Spanish ]

05.06.05, Spanish delegation turned back
A delegation of elected members and NGO representatives from the community in Madrid, who wanted to undertake a mission of observation to Western Sahara, is not authorised to disembark from the aeroplane in El Ayoun airport. The plane is surrounded by police. The delegation had informed both Spanish and Moroccan Ministries of Foreign Affairs, as well as the Moroccan Embassy in Spain about this observation mission.
The Presidents of the State Coordination of solidarity associations with the Sahara, CEAS, José Taboada, calls on "the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to intercede with the Moroccan authorities in order allow [them] to get out of the aeroplane and move freely around El Ayoun, to be able to talk with MINURSO, with Saharawi organisations, with the Wali of El Ayoun." "Spain, as administrative power of the territory has, and continues to have, a historic responsibility towards Western Sahara, so long as the process of decolonization has not been finished and it cannot remain immobile or silent in the face of these facts", declares Taboada.
The mayor of San Fernando de Henares, city councillors from Madrid, Fuenlabrada, Torrejón d'Ardoz, etc., the president of CEAS-SAHARA, the president of the Spanish Human Rights League and the Vice-President of FEDISSAH figure among the members of this mission. [
français] [espanol]

05.06.05, Marrakech
Three Saharawi citizens, Asfari Khadad Haddi, Laaroussi Mustapha, Hamia Brahim, abducted in Marrakech by DST elements (Department of Territorial Security), on 25 May 2005, [see
communiqué of AFAPREDESA] are released after several days of illegal incarceration in a centre in Casablanca.

The daily of the Moroccan socialist party, Al Bayane calls on the Moroccan authorities to refuse re-entry to  Ali Salem Tamek who is in Spain.

06.06.05, Reactions
The Polisario Front condemns the turning back of the Spanish delegation and expresses its disappointment at the attitude of the Spanish government. It asks European governments to apply pressure to allow visits to Western Sahara.

Letter to the Ambassador of Morocco in France from Nicole Borvo Cohen-Seat, Senator, councillor of  Paris.[

The XVIth Congress of the International Association of Democrat Lawyers, held in Paris, reaffirms its firm commitment with the Saharawi people and underlines the importance for the Maghreb region of the peaceful resolution of the conflict in Western Sahara. It calls on the UN, the Security Council and the Secretary General to bring the decolonization process in Western Sahara to a successful end in accordance with international law. [
résolution ]

The Coordinator of the Federation of State Institutions in solidarity with Western Sahara (FEDISSAH), Txomin Aurrekoetxea (Basque National Party), accuses Spain and the UN "of betraying the Saharawi people", by their incapacity to complete the decolonization process. [SPS]

08.06.05, Another explulsion
The Moroccan authorities expell, in El Ayoun airport, a second delegation of Spanish elected members, who had the intention of observing the human rights situation on the ground. Made up of the national parliamentary member Joan Herrera, Catalan MPs Albert Batalla, Rafael López and Jordi Castells, the delegation also includes two members of the Catalan Association of friends of the Saharawi people and several Spanish journalists. The Catalan MPs protest to the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the "lack of protection". They ask the government to lodge a formal complaint, which it has never done.

The President of EUCOCO, Pierre Galand sends a letter to Kofi Annan. [

Mohamed Abdelaziz writes to the European Union (letters to Madame Benita Ferrero-Waldner, External Relations commissioner and European neighbourhood policy, to Josep Borrell Fontelles, President of the European Parliament, to Jean-Claude Juncker, to the Prime Minister of Luxembourg and  to the President of the European Council) [

Ali Salem Tamek writes to members of the European Parliament. [
letter] http://www.arso.org/intifadaTamek080605.htm

08.06.05, EU
The European parliamentary intergroup, "Peace for the Saharawi people" asks in a statement for free access to Western Sahara, the right to demonstrate and the release of detainees and the setting up of a mission of observation of European parliamentarians and human rights experts from the EU.[
Declaration from the Intergroup "Friends of the Saharawi People" of the European Parlament, 08.06.05]

08.06.05, Paris
The Platform of Solidarity with the Saharawi People, bringing together youth and community education associations, committees of support and twinning and representatives of towns with friendship arrangements with the Saharawi people, denounces the repression and appeals to the French authorities to take on their responsiblities.[

09.06.05, Spain
The president of CEAS (State Coordination of solidarity associations with the Sahara), José Taboada, asks for his organisation to be allowed to participate in the mission which members of the Congress and the Senate are due to undertake in the occupied territories of Western Sahara. A similar demand is made by Spanish writers in a letter to the Minister for Foreign Affairs. The visit of a delegation to the Spanish parliament had been convened at the time of the meeting held on 6 June last in Madrid between the head of Spanish diplomacy, Miguel Angel Moratinos and the Moroccan Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Benaissa.

The Popular Party (PP, opposition) and Izquierda Unida (one of the political allies of the socialist government in the Parliament) announced that they will not take part in this mission, because, according to them, the conditions of the visit to Western Sahara have been fixed, they allege, by Morocco. The date of this visit turns out to be further and further away.

10.06.05, Germany
The Social-Democrat party takes a stand: Sorge um die politische Lage in der Westsahara, Pressemitteilung SPD-Bundestagsfraktion.[

10.06.05, Protest
The families of persons imprisoned following the recent riots, who have been forbidden to visit their relatives in the Black Prison of El Ayoun since 7 June, gather from 16.00 to 18.00 on Smara Boulevard. Human rights defenders, the president of the local section of AMDH as well as numerous sympathisers associate themselves with the demonstration. The forces of order hermetically seal off and isolate the demonstrators, who are chanting slogans in favour of the liberation of prisoners, of self-determination in the Sahara and denounce the arbitrary trials being prepared. Two Spanish journalists are prevented from getting close to the demonstrators.

10.06.05, Boujdour
Maaras Abderrahman is arrested in Boujdour by plain clothes policemen, who deport him to Morocco telling him that it is forbidden for him to stay in Western Sahara. Maaras has been summoned twice  and tortured the first time he was arrested.

11.06.05, Dakhla
A meeting is organised to call for the liberation of a Saharawi woman aged 70 years, Ehel Najem Fatma, called Laribiya, abducted the date before by the Moroccan police, suspected to have cared for the wounded in her home. The same evening, a second demonstration, in solidarity with the detainees of the intifada of last May is brutally dispersed by the forces of rapid reaction and the police. The demonstrators brandish Saharawi national colours, chant slogans calling for the departure of the Moroccan coloniser and shout "Long live the Liberation Front of Saguia el Hamra and Rio de Oro", "Long live the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic", "Long live Abdelaziz". The confrontations create several victims among the demonstrators and the police forces. The town is in a state of siege, no gathering is permitted, the areas of Lebrarik, Lebeichat, Kseikssat, Oum Tounsi and Al Ghoufran, with a Saharawi majority population are under tight control by the forces of occupation, who check all passers-by and start arresting people, including Mohammed Bassir, Ahmed Karama, Said ould Lmahjoub. The police from Dakhla headquarters insult and torture the detainees before letting them go the next morning. The car of the president of the Saharawi committee against torture in Dakhla, Lmami Aâmar Salem, is towed away to a pound in order to limit the activities of its owner.

11.06.05, El Ayoun
A GUS group arrests two Saharawi citizens, Elmahfoud Dahou, Saharawi former political detainee and member of the Forum of Truth and Justice dissolved by judicial decision, and Dahi Moulay Ahmed.

11.06.05, Algiers
The president of the Saharawi Republic, Mohamed Abdelaziz, speaking in a forum at the paper Al-Bilad organised by the International Press Centre, calls the situation in the occupied territories of Western Sahara "explosive" and affirms that "peaceful resistence" will continue to obtain the holding of a referendum of self-determination. He calls on the UN Secretary General to appoint a new Personal Envoy for Western Sahara, as a replacement for James Baker. Mr Abdelaziz also asks Mr Annan to fill the post of Special Representative for Western Sahara.
In response to a question Mr Abdelaziz declares that as a token of good will, the Polisario would continue releasing some 450 Moroccan prisoners of war which it still holds, without fixing a timetable, while requesting the release of 150 Saharawi prisoners of war held in Morocco as well as over 500 civilian "disappeared". [
Polisario calls for peaceful solution for W.Sahara Reuters 11.06.05]

11.06.05, Valencia
About a hundred people meet to honour the memory of disappeared Saharawis (9 June has been designated "Day of the Saharawi disappeared") and to denounce the repression in the occupied territories.

12.06.05, Serious injury
Police from GUS (urban security group) attempt to arrest Lafghraoui (Elfoukraoui) Sidi Ahmed Taleb, a Saharawi citizen aged 19 years, resident in Daddach Street, Maâtalla district in El Ayoun. He takes flight, pursued by the police up to the roof of a three floor building and they throw him off the roof. According to a medical report of 13.06.05 he is suffering from several fractures (dislocation-fracture of the right wrist, dislocation-fracture of the right ankle, a splintered fracture of the left heel, fracture to vertebra L4, cranial trauma. Incapacity to work for 120 days.) Family visits are forbidden. The doctors are claiming from the family the sum of 1500 euros to treat him, although he is there as a prisoner. Human rights activists launch an appeal for help. [corr.]

The President of the Republic, Mohamed Abdelaziz, writes a second time to the Security Council to ask it to protect the Saharawi population in the occupied territories of Western Sahara against Moroccan repression.

13.06.05, El Ayoun
The Moroccan authorities proceed to the destruction of several dozen makeshift houses where Saharawi families are living. A Saharawi citizen, Najiaa Nafaa, called Said, known for his engagement in human rights causes, is summoned and tortured because he refuses to leave his house in the shanty town of Lamsalla camp.

13.06.05, Dakhla
Several arrests of activists for several hours and threats to participants in the demonstration of 11 June.

13.06.05, Switzerland
Under the title "Do not forget the Saharawis", a parliamentarian, Anne-Catherine Ménétrey-Savary, president of the Swiss parliamentary intergroup «Sahara Occidental», draws the attention of the government to the wave of repression by the Moroccan government of Saharawi citizens in the occupied territories of Western Sahara. In its response, the Federal Council (government) says it is "preoccupied by the recent demonstration of violence in Western Sahara". [

14.06.05, Marrakech
Eleven Saharawi students released on bail are called before the examining magistrate, who dismisses all charges and releases them. Two students still in prison, Baiba Moulay Baba and Mahmoud Abbah, are released provisionally.

14.06.05, Rome
A demonstration outside the seat of the Italian Parliament organised by the National Association of Solidarity with the Saharawi People, protests "against the ferocious repression of the Moroccan police".

14.06.05, PSF
Statement from the international secretary of the French Socialist Party (Parti socialiste français) [

14.06.05, El Ayoun
Security forces are massively deployed in order to prevent the holding of a sit-in of protest at the injuries inflicted on Lafghraoui (Elfoukraoui). Hardly had they assembled, but the demonstrators are violently dispersed and the area sealed off.

15.06.05, El Ayoun
Hassan Al Hairach, 18 years, appears before the court of appeal, accused of creating a criminal gang, placing obstacles on the public highway, violence to officials in the exercise of their duties with premeditation, use of arms, participation in armed gatherings, destruction of the Moroccan flag, etc. Hassan had already been arrested on 25 May at midnight, following demonstrations for the right to self-determination, in his home, without a warrant. Taken to the criminal investigation police station, he was subjected to all sorts of physical and psychological torture. He suffered fractures of the nose, the left shoulder, two wounds to his scalp and lumbar trauma, requiring 21 days in hospital. Incapacity to work for 40 days. Sentence on 22 June.

15.06.05, Black Prison of El Ayoun
28 Saharawi political detainees start a hunger strike of 48 hours to protest at their conditions of detention and for the respect of penal procedures. Before presenting them to the examining magistrate, the Moroccan authorities take them to the police station to threaten them and demand false declarations.

15.06.05, El Ayoun
Dozens of young Saharawis assemble outside the house of Elfoukraoui Sidi Ahmed Taleb (Lafghraoui). The police arrest two people.

15.06.05, Boujdour
Distribution at night of Saharawi flags and leaflets asking  for the withdrawal of Moroccan occupation forces.

15.06.05, Marrakech
Imprisonment of a pupil, Edaagui Mohamed, accused of questioning the territorial integrity of Morocco. Sentence on 22 June.

15.06.05, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Demonstration outside the Canaries parliament.

15.06.05, Italy
Several Italian MPs and senators demand of their government to work for the intervention of the UN in the "protection" of the Saharawis "subjected to repression and human rights abuses" in Western Sahara perpetrated by Moroccan colonialism.

16.06.05, Reporters without Borders denounces the conditions of work for journalists in Western Sahara: «Journalists working in Western Sahara face assaults, arrests and harassment,» Reporters Without Borders, 16.06.05

17.06.05, El Ayoun
In the morning a demonstration takes place in the Inach quarter, on the edge of the Maatalla quarter, on the occasion of the anniversary of the Zemla massacre. (On 17 June 1970 the Spanish Legion bloodily repressed an independence demonstration.) Demonstrators carry photos of El Wali Mustapha Sayed and chant slogans for independence. The GUS (urban security groups) disperse the demonstration with brutality.
In the evening another demonstration of human rights defenders is brutally attacked. Elidri Houcine, a human rights defender, Aminatou Haidar and Fatma Ayach, two former disappeared and political prisoners are savagely beaten up. Lahoussine Moutik, president of the former Sahara branch of the Forum for Truth and Justice, member of AMDH, who was trying to visit some victims, was prevented and savagely attacked by GUS agents in front of doctors and nurses. The same happened to Hmad Hammad, a Saharawi human rights activist, who is seriously injured and is recovering at home.
The latest news (18.06.05) is that Aminatou Haidar has been transferred to the criminal justice hospital, she has been arrested. The police try to arrest Bazeid Salek, he succeeded in escaping. Human rights activists, Moussamih Baba, Moussawi Ahmed, Sbaï Ahmed and Karroum Hamdi are all reported to be under arrest as well.

17.06.05, Switzerland
25 Swiss parliamentarians, including the president of the parliament, issue a declaration asking Switzerland to contribute to the setting up of an international commission of inquiry charged with establishing the truth on the repression which is being unleashed on the occupied Saharawi territories;  to the appointment of a special rapporteur on the human rights situation in the territories of Western Sahara; to the opening of Saharawi territory to the international media and the implementation of UN Security Council resolution 1495, according to which a plan for the self-determination of the Saharawi people must be put in place. [

A parliamentary delegation from the Asturias travels to El Ayoun on Sunday 19. They are expelled by Moroccan authorities like others before.

The head of the CDU/CSU fraction in the German parliament considers in a declaration that the situation in Western Sahara is "extremely grave". A peaceful solution of the question of the Sahara is urgent. The UN Secretary General must immediately appoint a new special representative, to show the Saharawi people that bringing about their self-determination is still in the interests of the international community. [SPS]


Twenty-five American parliamentarians from the Senate and Congress &endash; both Republican and Democrat &endash; express their concerns in a letter to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Condoleeza Rice, about the "persistence" of the conflict in Western Sahara, considering that the successive delays in this consultation promote "discord between the north African countries" and could lead to "instability in the region" (...) "and consequently threaten the interests of the USA".

Seminar in Madrid entitled "Solutions for the Sahara &endash; Western Sahara in the dynamic geopolitics of the Maghreb", organised by the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) and coordinated by Professor Antoni Segura. The meeting, inspired by the government but in which Moroccan and Saharawi political officers did not participate, proposes to create an international working group to serve as mediation between Morocco and the Polisario Front, in order to unblock the present situation in the region.

UN 4th Commission: Intervention of Mouloud Said, Polisario Front representative in the USA. [Special Committee on Decolonization,
Press Release GA/COL/3120 08.06.05]


After examining the activities of Kerr McGee in Western Sahara, the ethical council of the Norwegian Oil Fund concluded that the US firm does not meet the criteria required by the fund. The central bank of Norway was informed on 29 April of this decision and all stocks and bonds were sold. At the end of 2004 the placement of funds in the KMG Corporation represented a value of around 337 million NOK [that is approx 52 million USD]. [
>> more info, medias etc]

In a statement, the Canaries group "Unidad del Pueblo" calls the negotiations between Morocco and Spain to delimit the territorial waters between the Canary Islands and Morocco an "intolerable act of colonialism". According to the text, two countries reached a secret agreement on 26 October 2004, which would leave the control of oil exploitation of the region in Moroccan hands, thus violating the UN resolutions on Western Sahara.

17.06.05, World Day of the fight against desertification and drought
Joint statement by the Friends of the Saharawi people of Germany (Gesellschaft der Freunde des sahrauischen Volkes) and Critical Ecology (Kritische Ökologie) on the occasion of the World Day of the fight against desertification and drought and the anniversary of the Zemla massacre [
résumé fr arso] [Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung der Gesellschaft der Freunde des sahrauischen Volkes (GFSV) e.V. und der Kritischen Ökologie (ifak) e.V. [Stärke des Rechts] anlässlich des internationalen Tages der Wüstenbekämpfung]


Ali Salem Tamek in Spain
The Saharawi human rights activist, president of the "Committee of support to victims of repression", continues his tour in Spain. After Maresme in Catalonia, he is received by the mayor of Malaga, the president of the parliament of Andalusia and the intergroup "Peace for the Saharawi People". He speaks to 300 people on human rights in Western Sahara. In Seville, he received the 3rd  Juan Antonio González Caraballo prize, awarded in the name of an Andalusian doctor who died in December 2001 during a visit to the Saharawi refugee camps. [
Coordinadora Maresme amb el Sàhara ,04.06.05] [Parlamento de Andalucía, 07.06.05] [Alcalde de Málaga Francisco de la Torre 07.06.05] [IIIe prix Juan Antonio González Caraballo, 08.06.05] [Conférence à Malaga, 09.06.05]

Barcelona Mediterranean Social Forum
A seminar is devoted to the question of Western Sahara, with the participation of Pierre Galand,  Carmelo Ramírez, Felipe Briones, Mohamed Sidati and Fatma El Mehdi. A second seminar is concerned on the condition of Saharawi women with Souelma Mohamed Kaid Salem and Selma Mint Ballahi, while Ali Salem Tamek takes part in a seminar on "the movement of international youth and the conflict in the Sahara". A demonstration of solidarity with the Saharawi people is programmed for the late afternoon of 18 June in the centre of Barcelona by the pro-Saharawi solidarity movement.


07.06.05, La poesía en la resistencia del pueblo saharaui
Mohamed Ali Ali Salem, exponente de la generación de poetas saharauis en el exilio y actual representante de la cultura saharaui en el Estado español, ofreció en Barcelona, una charla sobre la trayectoria e influencias de la poesía saharaui en el exilio. Descargar el rincón de poesía de Hoy por hoy de Iñaqui Gabilondo en la Cadena SER. El poeta saharaui Limam Boicha recita sus poemas acompañado de la poetisa Ana Rossetti, del grupo de Escritores por el Sahara [

16-18.06.05, Barcelona
An exhibition of the works of the Saharawi painter Fadili on the Wall of Shame, the exile, the war and the Green March takes place during the Mediterranean Social Forum in Barcelona.


09.06.05, AUSTRALIA
Day of the Martyrs
On 9 June a meeting was held in Melbourne to constitute the first branch of the Australia Western Sahara Association (AWSA) in the state of Victoria. The Australia-Western Sahara Association was formed in 1999 when the Polisario first sent a representative to Sydney. The day of the martyrs was also marked by remembering the Saharawis suffering at the hands of the Moroccan occupying forces since 22 May. The meeting called on Australia to ask Morocco to allow international observers to El Ayoun and on the African Union to play a more forceful role with the UN in implementing the Baker peace plan. [
News Release]

Mujeres en zonas de conflicto, Jornadas de solidaridad Sahara, Palestina, Colombia, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Zahra Ramdan, responsable de relaciones Exteriores de la Unión Nacional de Mujeres Saharauis. [


OESTERREICH - WESTSAHARA - 30 Jahre eines vergessenen Konflikts
Multi-Kulti-Fest am 25. Juni in Leobersdorf. Informationsstand, Couscous und saharauischer Tee.



[External links to newspapers may not be valid after some days because the servers are restarted]


>> Revue de la presse internationale francophone http://fr.groups.yahoo.com/group/revue-de-presse-sahara-occidental/messages

>> sur l'intifada


English publications on Sahara Update mailinglist: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Sahara-update/messages

Polisario ratchets up oil pressure, Ian Esau, Upstream, 19.05.05.

Reporters Without Borders: Journalists working in Western Sahara face assaults, arrests and harassment, 16.06.05.







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