WEEK 44, 30.10-5.11.1995
King Hassan left a New York hospital after receiving treatment for bronchial
pneumonia. Doctors recommended him to have a rest for few days before returning
Morocco. Before leaving the USA he met Mrs Madeleine Albright, US-ambassador
to the U.N.
Publication of the report of Human Rights Watch named "Keeping
it secret: The United Nations Operation in the Western Sahara".
Breach of the cease-fire. Flight over the region of Aghwenit (SW of Western
Sahara) by two Moroccan military aircrafts.
The AFAPREDESA "announces with indignation and great sadness the assassination
of Mohamed El Bachir Moulay Ahmed (Leili), former prisoner in Kalaat M'Gouna,
a Moroccan secret jail. His body was found on the beach near El Ayoun on
Oct. 29". The AFAPREDESA "calls for an investigation by MINURSO
into this heavy violation of human rights".
The former Sahrawi prime minister Mohamed Lamine Ahmed is a member of the
Leili family. Eleven members of this family have been arrested in the first
months of 1976, amnesty international reported. His sister, Fatma Ghalia,
born 1952, was arrested in Tan-Tan Jan. 8, 1976. She came free June 21,
Her parents, Nouna ment Abdellahi, born 1925, Moulay Ahmed ould Mohamed
el-Hassan Leili, born 1919, were arrested Febr. 2, 1976. The father died
one day after his liberation, June 22, 1991, after 15 years of prison. He
was never charged nor tried.
Other members of the same family were also arrested in 1976: Mohamed Fadel,
a son born in 1957, student, was arrested in Kenitra (Morocco) soon after
his parents. The brother of Moulay Ahmed Leili, Fadel Mohamed Abdallahi,
lector in arabic literature at the Marrakesch university, and his sister
Tagla, "disappeared" also in the same year.
The Fourth Committee approved a draft
resolution on Western Sahara without a vote.
Morocco world first producer of cannabis
According to a confidential report revealed by the french newspaper "Le
Monde" cannabis represents the first revenue of Morocco. The annual
production is more than 1000 t. The report of the "Observatoire géopolitique
des drogues" denounces the responsibility of close relateds of the
royal court and former ministers.
Summary Weekly News,
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