Révolte des Sahraouis - Revolt of the Saharawis - Revuelta de los Saharauis

Communiqué d'Aminatou Haidar:

En tant que militante sahraouie des droits de l'homme et prisonnière politique chez le Maroc dans la terrible prison Noire de Lâayoune,

Suite aux comportements de la direction et des fonctionnaires marocains de cette prison, incarnés par l'interdiction de visite pour mes proches surtout les visites de mes deux enfants Hayat et Mohamed qui ont été systématiquement fouillés par les responsables de cette prison et aussi par le fait de m'empêcher de lire, de se soigner ou encore d'avoir le minimum des conditions d'hygiène dont une femme a besoin en n'oubliant pas que ces même fonctionnaires s'amusent en fouillant mes affaires personnelles ainsi que mes repas... etc

Suite à ces conditions catastrophiques de ma détention dans cette prison marocaines dans laquelle je vis au quotidien comme tous les militants sahraouis détenus dans la même prison par l'état marocain et les prisonniers politiques sahraouis séquestrés par les autorités marocaines suite aux manifestations pacifiques pour réclamer le droit de notre peuple sahraoui à l'autodétermination et l'indépendance,

Suite à ces graves violations des droits de l'homme perpétrées par l'état marocain,

Aminatu Haidar
Ex-prisonnière politique sahraouie
Expulsée de son travail
N° d'ecrou 26232


Press Release from Aminatou Haidar

As a Sahrawi human rights activist and a political prisoner in the Black Jail, El Ayun since June 17, 2005, the prison administration is treating me as a criminal and not as a political prisoner, depriving me of the simplest rights that the international treaties and charters, which the Moroccan state has signed, guarantee; I am not allowed to be visited everyday, deprived of medical treatment and of having access to newspapers. I am also denied the food my family sends to me unless it is well-fetched and sometimes stolen, apart from the daily harassment and intimidation that I am subjected to by the prison employees, the latest of which was the fetching of my children Mohamed, 10 years old, and Hayat, 12 years old, and all those visiting me on Thursday, July 28, 2005.

Thus, as the dangerous violations of human rights perpetrated by the Moroccan state are still continuing against the Sahrawi citizens since the outburst of the intifada of independence on May 21, 2005 in Western Sahara and south of Morocco, and also as the harassment against me, the Saharawi human rights activists and the intifada of independence  prisoners is still continuing, I declare that I will go on a hunger strike for 48 hours starting from Monday, August 01, 2005.

I also declare to the general public my:

1.call to the Moroccan state to treat me as a political prisoner, giving me all my rights such as the right to daily visits, the right in a separate room from the criminal prisoners, the right in having access to newspapers, etc.

2.strong condemnation of the abduction, arrest and savage torture of the Sahrawi activists and the prisoners of the intifada of independence.

3.charge to the Moroccan state of the effects of  the hunger strike on my health and psychology.

4.appeal to the international human rights organizations to urgently interfere to stop the daily violence committed by the Moroccan state against the defenceless Sahrawi citizens who are calling for self-detemination.

The human rights activist, former disappeared , dismissed of work,

Sahrawi political prisoner
Aminatou Haidar
Prison number 26 232


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