The CODESA Secretariat
The Collective of the Sahrawi Human Rights Defenders
El Aaiun, Western Sahara.
July 10th, 2007.
News from the CODESA
The Sentence of Sahrawi political prisoners to verdicts ranging from 4
to 8 months in Rabat, Morocco
Today, Tuesday, July 10th, 2007, the court of appeal in Rabat, the
capital of Morocco has sentenced 09 Sahrawi political prisoners to
verdicts ranging from 04 to 08 months imprisonment.
The court of first instance in Rabat had already sentenced the same
detainees for 08 months imprisonment for all these detainees a couple
of weeks ago.
The trial today was attended by two foreign observers representing the
High Council for the Spanish Lawyers, and was characterized by the
defence of the Sahrawi lawyers and others from the Moroccan Association
for Human Rights.
At the end of the trial,
1. The Sahrawi university students:
were sentenced to 04 months
2. The Sahrawi high school students :
were sentenced to 04 months
3. The Sahrawi political prisoner, Lekhlifa Ejjenhaoui, was
sentenced to 08 months imprisonment.
It is worth-mentioning here that these political prisoners were
arrested for their organization of a peaceful open protest sit-in in
Rabat in solidarity with their comrades in Agadir, Marrakesh and
Casablanca. While the students were protesting, they chanted
pro-independence slogans and held self-determination banners.
Note informative
Jugemenst en appel des prisoniers politiques à Rabat,
réductions de peines
Le mardi 10 juillet 2007, la cour d'appel de Rabat au Maroc a
prononcé les peines d'emprisonnement fermes suivantes contre 9
jeunes sahraouis arrêtés le 17 mai 2007 suite
à leur participation à un sit-in organisé à
la cité universitaire de Rabat:
1. les étudiants sahraouis
4 mois d'emprisonnement ferme (réduction de 04 mois des
peines prononcées par le tribunal de première instance de
Rabat qui étaient de 8 mois)
2. les élèves sahraouis
4 mois d'emprisonnement ferme (réduction de 4 mois des peines
prononcées par le tribunal de première instance de Rabat
qui étaient de 8 mois)
3. l'ex-détenu politique sahraoui Lakhlifa Ejjenhaoui: 8 mois
d'emprisonnement ferme (confirmation de la peine prononcée par
le tribunal de première instance de Rabat qui était de 8