Aaiun / Sahara Occidental : 13/07/2007

Colectivo de defensores de derechos humanos saharauis



Detencion de la hermana de un preso politico en Aaiun / Sahara Occidental


La policia de Marruecos ha detenido hoy a las 00h00min de la madrugada en el barrio Linaach la joven saharaui Aminatou Amidan , conocida por Malak desde la puerta de su casa en Aaiun . Esta detencion viene directamente despues de una manifestacion pacifica en el mismo barrio en la cual ciudadanos saharauis llevaron banderas del Frente Polisario y repitieron esloganes a favor de la independencia .

El equipo que ha detenido a Aminatou Amidan fue dirigido por el oficial Kamour Mustafa  y Ichi Abou Lhasen .

Y hasta el momento la policia no autorizo a su familia para visitarla en la comisaria de la policia judicial   , y su comisaria desconoce su paradero , por lo que significa que esta desaparecida .

Aminatou Amidan , nacida en 1983 en Aaiun / Sahara Occidental , hermana del preso politico y el activista de Derechos Humanos y miembro del CODESA Luali Amidan que se encuentra actualmente en la prision Negra en Aaiun condenado a 05 años de prision firme . Fue detenida y torturada muchas veces durante la intifada , y tambien la mayoria de los miembros de su familia .

The CODESA secretariat

El Aaiun, Western Sahara ;

July 13, 2007.

The Arrest of a Sahrawi political prisdner’s sister in El Aaiun, Western Sahara

On July 13, 2007 in the very early morning, the Moroccan police arrested the young Sahrawi girl, Minatou Amidane, nicknamed Mallak, in front of her familiy’s house in Al Inaach district in El Aaiun, Western Sahara.

The reason behind her arrest is mainly her active participation in the peaceful demonstrations  in which the Polisario leflets were distributed  and flags brandished, and in other occasions calling for the release of the Saharwi political prisoners in the Moroccan prisons and the respect of human rights in the Western Sahara, south of Morocco and at the university centers..
Although her family went to the police station, they could not know anything about her. The family asserts that she was abducted in front their house at 24:00 by some police agents headed by the officials Ichi Aboulhassan and Moustapha Kammour, who took her in a police car to an unknown place.

Minatou (Mallak) Amidane was born in 1983 in El Aaiun, and she is the sister of the Sahrawi political prisoner, Elwali Amidane, who is still in custody and was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment in the Court of Appeal in El Aaiun.

Mallak was arrested in different occasions for her participation in the demonstrations and sit-ins calling for the Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination and independence.  The whole family has been suffering from continuous  Moroccan harrassment, mainly arrests, torture and the burst into their house. .