Rapport du Haut-Commissariat aux droits de l'homme (HCDH)
extrait de la discussion à la Troisième Commission de l Assemblée Générale de l'ONU du 24.10.07

Communiqué de presse

62è session de l'Assemblée générale de l'ONU
Troisième Commission    ( Sociale, humanitaire et culturelle)                                   
22e et 23e séances - matin et après-midi  24.20.07 

Le représentant de l’Algérie a indiqué que la Haut-Commissaire avait effectué une visite au Sahara occidental sans présenter de rapport de mission.  À quel titre effectue-t-elle ce genre de mission?, a-t-il demandé.  Il a aussi rappelé que sa délégation à Genève avait proposé de réviser la relation de la Haut Commissairiat avec les organes subsidiaires du système des Nations Unies. Qu’en pense-t-elle?
Le représentant du Maroc, en réponse à la déclaration de la représentante de l’Algérie, a reproché à celle-ci de constamment chercher à politiser cette Commission.  Il a estimé que les termes de référence de la mission de la Haut-Commissaire au Sahara occidental n’avaient pas été respectés et a exprimé ses réserves relatives à son rapport.  Il a signalé qu’il y aurait beaucoup à dire sur la situation des droits de l’homme dans le camp de Tindouf.
Mme Arbour:
Sur la question du Sahara occidentale, elle a dit avoir pris l’initiative de se mettre en contact avec les pays intéressés.  J’ai traité cette question avec mon pouvoir discrétionnaire et nous avons eu des discussions confidentielles avec les gouvernements intéressés.

--> le rapport en question (english)

Report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
excerpt of the discussion at the Third Committee of the UN General Assemvly, 24.10.07

Press Release

Sixty-second General Assembly
Third Committee ( Social, Humanitarian & Cultural)
22nd & 23rd Meetings (AM & PM)

New Human Rights council could help put rights abusers on notice, third committee told

The representative of Algeria noted that the High Commissioner had visited Western Sahara but had not presented a mission report. He was curious about the type of mandate that Ms. Arbour had been given to carry out that particular mission. Secondly his delegation had made a proposal to revise the relationship between the OHCHR and other subsidiary organs of the system and he wanted to know what the High Commissioner thought about that.
The representative of Morocco referred to Algeria's question and asked if the High Commissioner might clarify the issue, adding that the country regretted the politicization of the issue but that many issues related to "the camp" needed to be addressed.
Mrs Arbour:
Addressing the questions raised on Western Sahara, she said her Office had held discussions with Algeria and Morocco on the deployment of a small mission. According to the terms of reference, the report of the small team was to be handled by the High Commissioner at her discretion, she said. The report would serve as the basis of confidential discussions with the parties concerned, in accordance with the governments concerned.

Right of Reply

The representative of Algeria, speaking in exercise of the right of reply, commented on remarks made by the representative of Morocco during the discussion with the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Ms. Arbour had been asked by Algeria to clarify the criteria by which she decided to present reports on human rights situations and the cases of Nepal, Uganda and Western Sahara had been cited. That Morocco had given a political twist to a technical question was regrettable. Algeria had no objection to the issuance of the report by the OHCHR on Western Sahara, which had been based on a visit to the occupied territory of Western Sahara and to the Tindouf camp.

--> the Mission Report